Avant Première Arte Inclusiva – Paralympics, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Avant Première Arte Inclusiva - Paralympics. Disclosure.

Art has always been present in the history of mankind, being the legitimate expression of the representation of a society and its culture. Does not matter, not when, nor where, nor how and by whom it was made. There is no beautiful or ugly art, there is simply “Art“. Art was not meant to be understood, but rather to be … Read more

Entrepreneur Ensures Paralympics 2020, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Exhibition “Avant Première da Arte Inclusiva - Paralimpíadas”. Invitation, featured.

The world event will be held through art, with the exhibition “Avant Première da Arte Inclusiva - Paralimpíadas.” The controversial title and the challenging mission is another project of the businessman Armando Fantini, da Refresh Brazil, company of intelligent solutions for Social Inclusion with Accessibility. The goal is to honor Paralympic athletes … Read more

Invitation – 1ª Virtual Exhibition of Inclusive Art by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1ª Virtual Exhibition of Inclusive Art, invitation. Disclosure.

In August and September we will celebrate two important and significant dates for Art and for people with disabilities that are part of modern contemporary society: On 12 August Arts Day and 21 September the National Day of Struggle for People with Disabilities. “Thinking about celebrating these two dates Edmundo … Read more