Cultural hub opens in celebration of “150 Years of Italian Immigration in Brazil”

"150 Years of Italian Immigration in Brazil", House of Italy. Photo: Disclosure.

The Consulate General of Italy in Rio de Janeiro, the Italian Institute of Culture in Rio and the IED (European Institute of Design), came together in support of the creation of the “Polo Cultural ItalianoRio – art, design and innovation”, which opens to the public on the day 22 February, in the week in which the … Read more

“Dell’Architettura” exhibitions open at Palacete das Artes, in Salvador

Of Architecture - The Italian Presence in the Soteropolitan Landscape, Artist: Manuel Sa. Photo: Manuel Sá Architectural Photography.

Photographic research on the Italian influence on the Carioca landscape and the Italian presence in the Soteropolitan landscape are themes of the two exhibitions held by the Italian Institute of Culture Do dia 9 august to 9 October, the Palace of the Arts, former residence of Commander Bernardo Martins Catharino, in Salvador, will host the two “Dell’Architettura” exhibitions, each … Read more