How to develop a minimalist decor for your apartment

How to develop a minimalist decor for your apartment. Photo: Tatiana Syrikova no Pexels.

Minimalist decor is a style that emerged in the 1960. Since then it has been winning fans around the world. It comes from a series of artistic movements, scientific and cultural, who believed that they could express themselves with only basic elements. Thought expanded and became a way of life, what influence … Read more

Tips for decorating small balconies

Tips for decorating small balconies. Photo: Pexels by Pixabay.

Apartments do not always have a large outdoor area. By the way, most of them have small balconies, being extremely difficult to plan a decoration for these environments. So that now, when well decorated, they can enhance your property and make a difference compared to other apartments. The small balcony doesn't need much to stand out. … Read more

“How to choose curtains” by Jessica Tan

Project: Studio Cris Paola. Photo: Hamilton Penna.

The curtain is a key item for decoration, but before you install them in our house or apartment, we must bear in mind its function, beyond the decorative, how to control the brightness and external noise or ensure privacy. However, we have other tips associated with it, see below: Avoid curtains with dark fabrics, since … Read more

"How to improve your gourmet balcony!"Jessica Theodoro

Learn everything to improve their gourmet balcony! With our changing habits, the gourmet balcony is a preferred owner place to welcome friends and family and became important and operative, time to think about the purchase of the apartment and how to decorate it in a functional way, and more and more beautiful. Check out some … Read more

“Reflection of our habits in the kitchen and balcony” by Jessica Tan

With the passage of time, our habits have changed and this reflected in our house and apartments. In the 80, the apartments were bigger rooms and bathrooms employed. Nowadays, this room practically no longer exists and the demand for gourmet balcony is important when choosing a new home. … Read more