Pinacoteca de São Paulo exhibits “Ayrson Heraclitus: Yorubaian”

Ayrson Heráclito. Bori series installation (Offering to the Head), 2008-22. Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo. São Paulo, Brasil. Photo: Jaime Acioli.

Great exhibition of the Bahian artist brings together 63 works, with facilities, photographs, videos, performances and records, Addressing the wounds left by colonial history. Free admission from 02April-22Aug2022 The Pinacoteca de São Paulo, museum of the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo opens on the 02 April 2022, Saturday, to 11 hours, … Read more

Rio Art Museum opens the exhibition "Women in the Collection SEA"

WOMEN IN COLLECTION SEA Opening: 16 November, 16h Free entrance during the World Women Festival, from 16 to 18/11 Curated By: Team MAR Season: by April 2019 The Museu de Arte do Rio, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opens to the public on 16 de novembro a exposição “Mulheres na ColeçãoRead more


GALLERY VITRINE CULTURAL BOX, FROM 7 FROM JUNE TO 20 OF AUGUST. FREE ENTRY. Exposição apresenta as expedições de Flávio de Carvalho como obras de cunho experimental *A mostra traz material iconográfico e textual de alguns projetos expedicionários do artista que tem influenciado a arte brasileira até os dias atuais *Fotografias, documents, cadernos deRead more