angel blood: How far would cupid's angel go for revenge?

"Angel's Blood"" by Aline Silvestri, cover - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Urban fantasy duology written by Aline Silvestri is released this Tuesday (08/11) Well known for the work of forming couples, cupid angels are popularly linked to loving and angelic beings, but not all are like that. Released this Tuesday (08/11), The Blood Angel Duology, Written by Aline Silvestri, proposes to take the reader to a … Read more

Wattpad can open doors for novice and veteran writers

Anna Todd and Aline Silvestri. Photo: Disclosure.

After launching first book in physical edition, Aline Silvestri tells if it is worth publishing a story on Wattpad The number of Brazilian authors is growing, many dream of launching their stories in physical editions, but due to the whole process of the publishing market for the launch of a work, most end … Read more

Confined love: How far distance can interfere with love?

& quot; Confined Love" by Aline Silvestri, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Peculiar Editora announces anthology and Aline Silvestri is one of the selected authors, a Covid-19, rocked several relationships over the months during 2020, some couples got divorced and others found other ways to stay in touch, even if digital. Using this reality as something important to be explored, Peculiar Editora announced the book “Amor Confinado”, … Read more

Book sales increase in Brazil and authors create expectations for Black Friday

Larissa Pessoa, Andrew Oliveira and Maurizio Ruzzi. Photo: Disclosure.

With growth in book sales during the Covid-19 pandemic, authors share their views on what to expect from Black Friday Brazil is the second country where the most talked about Black Friday on Twitter, according to a survey of the platform itself; in addition, the data states that 47% of people would buy books, comics … Read more

Five Brazilian urban fantasy authors to meet in 2020

Renata Ventura. Photo: Disclosure.

Meet five national authors who have ventured into this genre A complicated year as 2020 it is approaching the end, and because it was a year that a pandemic took over the world, many people were quarantined, and in Brazil it was no different. The habit of reading gained strength during this period, among … Read more

Angels Blood: book that emerged from an illustration will be released by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Livro "Angels Blood" by Aline Silvestri, featured. Disclosure.

Written by Aline Silvestri, "Angels Blood" will have its release day 8 November, on FLISP 2020 Designer focused on comics, Aline Silvestri will enter the editorial world with an epic and mystical novel that originated from one of her illustrations. Targeting young audiences, the author who started her career as … Read more