French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro presents show the French Mathieu Boogaerts at Teatro Maison de France

Event is part of the Francophonie Month programming and have free entry to the French Alliance brings a tour in several Brazilian cities the singer and French composer Mathieu Boogaerts, recognized for his original repertoire, minimalist, poetic and humorous. In The River, French Theater presents the Maison de France on 19 … Read more

Alliance Française presents exhibition of the winners of the Prix Photo Web 2017

The Gallery of the Alliance Française, Botafogo, features photos of the winners of the seventh edition of the Prix Photo Web contest, on "family(s)”. Gustavo Pereira was the first place, com a série “O Parto” e Ana Sabiá ficou em segundo lugar, com a série “Madonnas Contemporâneas” A Galeria Aliança Francesa Botafogo abre na quinta-feira, … Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro holds meeting on African literature

A reading of French texts by renowned Senegalese writer Léopold Sédar Senghor will be presented, member of the French Academy Aliança Francesa Botafogo will hold next Thursday, day 28, a meeting with the African literature. The writer honored is the Senegalese, Member of the Academy of Arts of Paris, Léopold Sédar Senghor. A leitura será feitaRead more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro the Director of the Institute of international and strategic relations in Paris Pascal Boniface to present the Conference "Taliban of sport: What is the impact for a city which hosts an international event?”

The Alliance Française offers, in partnership with the Consulate of France and the Institut Français, a Conference of Pascal Boniface, on the impact of international events in major cities in the world. The meeting will be held on Monday, 11 April, às 19h30, in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française of Botafogo. In the countdown to … Read more

Alliance Française creates cultural workshops held in French

Art, cinema, improvisational theatre and African cultures are the first subjects of the workshops that proposes a new way to keep your French days from April, the Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro will offer cultural workshops, an initiative that enables new ways to keep the French in day, using languages ​​linked to the most … Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro performs the second edition of the ' Fête des Enfants ', Botafogo

The children's Party will offer a day of activities with interactive exhibits, illustration workshop, tasting of artisan chocolates and didactic games conducted in French and in Portuguese. Admission is free. Within the month of children, the Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro, in its subsidiary of Botafogo, performs on the day 24 from … Read more

Alliance Française offers with free entry reading theatrical French novelist Balzac

Dramatized reading of ' Memories of two young wives ' will be held in French, no translation, no auditório da Aliança Francesa Botafogo A Aliança Francesa do Rio de Janeiro apresenta na quinta-feira, 08, às 19h30, the dramatized reading of the novel Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées "'-on translation into Portuguese, ‘Memórias de duas jovens esposas’ –Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro offers film workshop in French

Aliança Francesa of Rio de Janeiro offers a cinema studio in French Lessons will be held weekly in the Auditorium of the Aliança Francesa of Botafogo The Aliança Francesa of Rio de Janeiro offers, from September, French cinema classes open to the public. The course, with hours of 24 hours, will start the day … Read more

Tomorrow, 22, Alliance Française of Rio presents Jazz concert of the ' Greg Lamy Quartet ' in Sala Cecília Meireles

The Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro presents on Saturday, 22 August, at 8:0 pm, jazz concert "Greg Lamy Quartet", in the Sala Cecília Meireles. The event is part of the commemorative programming of 130 years of the French Alliance in Brazil. Os ingressos estão à venda no site e na bilheteria da sala CecíliaRead more