Exhibition Against Márcio Cinema H Bike

Márcio H Bike, Against Cinema (art). Disclosure.

From 12 august to 09 September, the public is invited to stimulate the senses, from the interaction with six unpublished audiovisual works, in the Gallery of Pin 103 and 116 North. The exhibition Against Cinema has the support of the Fund to support the culture of the Federal District (FAC/DF) e surge do questionamentoRead more

Artist Fernando Aquino and collector Marcelo Savio open exhibitions in Pin Gallery – 11 March

ABOUT the title of the exhibition: Local Cortex: Pin – An Artist Room Gallery: Fernando Aquino title of the exhibition: Circuit – Presentations on Local collecting cycle: Pin – Room TWO Collector's Gallery: Marcelo Savio Service: Pin Gallery CLN 103 Block B store 66. Opening Saturday 11 March at 18h. Em exposição até oRead more

New walk GALLERY PIN displays languages and formats

*In The Living Room A, the brasiliense Raquel Nava exposes ' Beast Beast Pop Fauna ', mesclando material orgânico e objetos do cotidiano *Sala Dois recebe o trabalho conjunto da holandesa-uruguaia Diana Blok e da norte-americana Ilene Sunshine com ‘Diálogos Subterrâneos’ A partir das 18h do próximo dia 4 February and up 4 de março a ALFINETE GALERIARead more

Dreams and fetishes set the tone in the new PIN displays GALLERY

FROM 9 The 30 OF JULY OF 2016. FREE ENTRY. Two artists who investigate the boundaries of reality, Leopold Wolf and Nelson Excelsior are the new guests to expose the PIN GALLERY. Two striking works, that can be seen from the 5:00 pm Saturday, day 9 July, and until the day 30, from … Read more

New PIN GALLERY displays bring works by Miguel Ferreira, Ananda Giuliani and Ludmilla Alves

The art that penetrates the environment of the forces of nature, of physics, of mechanics, that dialogue with the relentless action of time and natural forms. These are provocations made by three young artists and which could be seen from 7 to 28 de Mayo, the PIN GALLERY. O jovem Miguel Ferreira traz paraRead more

Michelle Lucia and collective exhibition Inaugurate New Pin Gallery

* Gê Lucia presents new work in ' Confabulo ]matulo kill me[‘*‘ Forma adiante ’brings together works by artists Andrea Campos de Sá, Bia Milk, Nice Bathtub Soato, Derik Sorato, Chor, Leopoldo Wolf and Marcelo Gandhi *Organization: Gregório Soares and Dalton Camargos Consolidated as one of the main spaces for contemporary art in Brasília, the PIN GALLERY is … Read more