dramatized reading “The Lampshade Lilac” Plinio Marcos

On 4 of the December 20:00 hours directed by Alexandre Lino Collective Theater Dear William will be performing at the Reading Cabinet Guilherme Araújo, Redeemer street 157, Ipanema, under the coordination of award-winning actress Rose Abdallah, the dramatized reading of "The Lampshade Lilac" Plinio Marcos. Ask five characters: três prostitutasRead more

Dear William presents a dramatized reading of the text "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes

COLLECTIVE THEATER OF WILLIAM DEAR PRESENTS TEXT dramatized reading "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes 12/06/2018 the 20:00 (Tuesday). Reading office Guilherme Araujo Rua Redentor 157, Ipanema Collective THE WILLIAM OF DEAR, formed from Theater Workshops Practices Reading Office Guilherme Araújo, coordinated by … Read more