Next to artists from different areas Alexander D ’ Angeli presents the occupation Building Soil Accompanied

Building Soil Occupation Accompanied, Rodrigo Munhoz. Photo: Bruno Makia.

Performer invited six artists to propose new actions to be presented together at Teatro do Centro da Terra. Curated by Ruy Filho, occupation has tickets pay what you can In occupation CONSTRUCTING SOIL ACCOMPANIED, the performer Alexander D'angeli performs of 30 from June to 9 July at the center of the Earth, … Read more

Contamination – Performance Display The Reader, Alexander D ' Angeli, happens day 8 April

ALEXANDRE D’ANGELI PRESENTS THE READER AT SESC IPIRANGA Action is part of the Contamination Exhibition program, that highlights three important works for Brazilian literature: Zero (1974), of Ignacio de Loyola Brandão; The concert of João Gilberto in Rio de Janeiro (1982), Sérgio Sant Anna ´, and there were too many Horses (2001), de Luiz Ruffato e criam diálogos comRead more

Alexander D ' Angeli offers the reader at Sesc Ipiranga

Ação que integrou a mostra Movimenta da Galeria Mezanino acontece durante três dias dentro do Projeto Performapa 13 national and international authors books with romance, poesia e arte são o ponto de partida de O LEITOR. The new work of the artist Alexandre D'angeli, integra o Projeto Performapa, the Sesc Ipiranga, e acontece dias 4, 5 and 6 … Read more

Waste performance happens at Sesc Bom Retiro

Alexander D ' Angeli uses 350 kilos of red sand to cover his static body for two hours Action that opened the performance sector of SP-Arte 2016, the performance WASTE will be presented at Sesc Bom Retiro within the PER-FORMA Exhibition on the 13 September, Tuesday, from 19 to 21 hours. The work of the artist Alexandre D'angeli, … Read more

Alexander D ' Angeli opens Sector Performance of the SP-Arte with Waste

WASTE performance, the artist Alexander D'angeli, one of the 10 selected works for the SP-Arte 2016, which happens to 7 to 10 April at the Ibirapuera Park, Opens the event on the day performances 6 April (only for guests). The paper presented last year in the city of Porto, in … Read more

Performer Alexander d'angeli does Occupation in the Villa Carmelita

Artist participates in the Second project of Performance with six different actions. Destaque para Resíduo apresentada recentemente em Portugal e Listening to the Sheep Sleeping com textos de Caco Galhardo Com o propósito de investigar além da performance, elementos da arte ambiente e apostando em novas possibilidades de diálogo com o público fora de espaços habituais oRead more