ALEX FLEMMING: the mine map

Alex Flemming: the mine map. Photo: Henry Light.

Exhibition of the plastic artist proposes the debate on the natural wealth of Brazil in the year of the bicentennial of Independence 23 works will be exhibited at the Mário de Andrade Library in 30 from July to 28 de agosto No ano em que o Brasil completa 200 years of independence, o artista plástico Alex Flemming apresenta suaRead more

Check the online schedule of the Casa-Museu Ema Klabin

Anaconda installation by Alex Flemming. Photo: Henry Light.

Artistic interventions by Alex Flemming and João Loureiro, educational activities and musical actions move the Foundation's social networks during quarantine, Casa-Museu Ema Klabin is offering a program full of attractions on its social networks through the program #CasaMuseuEmCasa On the museum's social networks, you can review exhibitions, learn more about art with interactive activities … Read more

Alex Flemming presents unprecedented exhibition at Gallery Emmathomas

The artist reflects on the current political scenario using biblical metaphor The Emmathomas Gallery will receive from 14 February the exhibition “ALEX FLEMMING”, with its newest series of works conceptually created in Berlin in 2018. The 28 peças apresentadas foram trabalhadas pelo artista em programa de residência na Fundação Marcos Amaro emRead more

Alex Flemming inaugurates exhibition in São Paulo

From 28 October, the artist behind the anonymous subway faces Sumaré presents free shows in the Ema Klabin Museum artist Alex Flemming, that became nationally known after installation of anonymous faces in overlapping glass panels by Brazilian poems at the station Sumaré of São Paulo metro, inaugurates … Read more

Last days: exhibition “ALEX FLEMMING: RetroPerspectiva”

On the last day of the exhibition, 11 of december, o artista estará no MAC para receber os convidados Os paulistanos que já passaram pela Estação Sumaré do Metrô de São Paulo já devem ter reparado alguns rostos anônimos em painéis de vidro sobrepostos por poemas brasileiros. The artist creator brought to São Paulo free exposure … Read more