Aldemir Martins – Contemporary Expressionism by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 3 - Aldemir Martins, – Aldemir Martins, AST, 80 x 120, 2000.

Geometric masses In music scores Plastic and silence From the created space. seahorse and shell. The sea gave you a corolla The sky magnetized you But the light restored the balance Shell and sea horse. (MATHEW, 2009, seahorse and shell) seahorse and shell, covering her affectionately in a delicate attempt to envelop her in … Read more

Pinacoteca of the Associação Paulista de Medicina, Exhibition-catalog release by Rosangela Vig

Sonnet to Lasar Segall From inscrutable in what you paint As in a wide space of agonies Unmarkable paint music Burning in the lucidity of cold things: So pathetic you are, so sleepy Colors that my eyes mortify Between crusted greens and gray Rust in the prelude to metals. What secret covers the old patina Where … Read more

Brazil Gallery Galeria de Arte & Website Obras de Arte

Now you can also count on the Wonderful Collection of Brazil Gallery Art Gallery! Plastic Artists are Brazilian Renowned as Aldemir Martins, Antônio Poteiro, Waldomiro de Deus, among many others. Check!! . Aldemir Martins: Aldemir Martins (1922 – 2006), was a Brazilian artist, illustrator, self-taught painter and sculptor, of great renown and fame in the … Read more
