Susano Correia has a poster exhibition and book production

“Psychological struggle against any imaginary barrier”, Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point


The artist Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point is in great activity. is with solo exhibition to Melancholy, on display in the gallery Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point in Baixo Augusta and produced two books Diary of a Painter and Forever Nevermore.

At the exhibition To Melancholy are exposed 80 original works, between oil paintings, sculptures, engravings and drawings that transcend individuality and translate deep feelings. His works reached psychoanalysis and were discussed in master's and doctoral theses and in visual arts classes.. “I was looking for a space that was on the street and inclusive”, belt account. The curatorship is by Susano Correia and Roberto Klaumann. The exhibition was extended to 10 April and it's free.

With deep titles like Hman blindly in love with his own point of view; Man trying to escape into the hole in his own chest, man full of his own opinions, inappropriate; Man with a deep thirst for himself e Hman thinking outside the box, from inside the box, your works speak of the subconscious, of deep feelings, questions and soul pains. “One of the most important points is to try to undertake a psychological struggle against any imaginary barrier.. to be clearer: you have to be a madman who believes he is a great designer, and then try to be to prove you're not crazy”, belt reflection, withdrawal of Diary of a Painter.


The book Diary of a Painter, in black and white, brings texts and works by the author in 210 pages. The project was carried out through crowdfunding.. “In my diaries I drew a lot, but I also took notes on everything. That is, reflections on the creation processes, not just the practical aspects, but mainly the more subjective aspects, and I tried to do it as spontaneously as I could. I used phrases, sketches, words, notes about feelings, objects, people, moments. Lifetime". “What is half of infinity?? Assuming the infinity of time, I am led to think that the present moment divides the infinite past from the infinite future. I have the privilege of seeing the midpoint of infinity and also of witnessing it, conscious of this rarity.,” Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point.

Diary of a Painter
Author: Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point

210 pages
ISBN 978650007907-4

The book Forever Nevermore, in black and white, makes a compilation of the artist's works.
Forever Nevermore
Author: Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point

290 pages
ISBN 97865002987-5

Both books are sold at gallery Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point and on the artist's website

Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point holds a degree in Visual Arts from the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc). His works became popular on social networks where he has 432k followers on instagram, giving national projection and the possibility of exclusive dedication to art.

Correia develops a contemporary pictorial language, with didactic concerns, and uses democratic means to expose their work to the general public. With this, It also attracts in its exhibitions an audience that is not in the habit of visiting museums. The artist participated in several group and individual exhibitions in Curitiba, Caxias do Sul and cities in Santa Catarina such as Florianópolis, Lages, Joinville, Blumenau and Chapeco. Won the Best Drawing Award at the 16th National Contemporary Art Salon with the work Man Loving to the Last Drop.

His works are used by tattoo artists from all over the world..

in the middle of 2019, moved his studio to the largest city in Latin America, São Paulo, which is also an important cultural hub, with the aim of expanding horizons, seek new experiences and contacts in the artistic environment.

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Instagram: @susanocorreia

Located on Rua Augusta, one of the iconic streets of São Paulo, the Gallery Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point seeks to be diverse, controversial and sophisticated at the same time. The space has two main halls that together add up to more than 100 m² with an industrial style that welcomes visitors and helps to translate the personality of the region. The goal, over time, is to unite an art program and performances with workshops, artistic courses and residencies. Open in May 2021, counts with the work of several reference artists of the Brazilian market. The renovation of the space was signed by the architect Nelson Kemmer and was founded by Junia Melluns who is a photographer, visual artist, event promoter and art curator.

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Exhibition To Melancholy

Local: Gallery Susano is successful on social networks by translating deep feelings that everyone will access at some point

Rua Augusta, 837

Instagram: @objectosdoolhararte

By 10 April

Tuesday to Sunday – 11 am to 8 pm


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