Silvana Perez - “Living for art”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Silvana Perez, visual artist, from Catanduva, SP, currently resides in Santo André, SP. Autodidact (self taught), its main techniques are collages and mosaics. Since 2001 Silvana is dedicated to the arts, initially carried out mosaic work for commercial and residential façades, micro mosaic panels, furniture, floors and from 2015, started to use collages on wood or canvas with magazine clippings, books and newspapers.

In this way, the artist found a way to contribute to the environment and her works come to be classified as Sustainable Art. Today the artist masters the technique and her works are rich in details, loaded with emotion, color and movement. His latest works portray human expressions, scenarios that are created in expressions of feelings, love, passion, happiness, jealousy, fear, anguish, loneliness. His art extends to styles, expressionism, figurative, retro, pop art, contemporary and abstract.

Silvana Perez é Artista Plástica.
Silvana Perez is Plastic Artist.

New projects are being elaborated to be presented in national and international artistic participations.


1- What's your academic training?

I have no academic training, I am self-taught.

2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?

My contact with art comes from childhood, my favorite class was arts, I decorated my notebook covers, each leaf had a grimace that today they call Emoji, or a little flower, etc…

3- How did you find this gift?

When I migrated from crafts to art, initially with the mosaics it was there that I discovered my true gift, mosaic and collage with magazine clippings are my passion.

4- What are your main influences?

In the collage that is my main technique at the moment, Vik Muniz is an artist that I admire a lot, I try not to be influenced by works by other artists, I like to have my own style.

5- What materials do you use in your works?

The materials I use in my works are mostly recycling materials, stones, glass, demolition woods, papers, tablets, tiling, etc.., my art is classified as sustainable art.

6- What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

My inspirations are momentary, I really like to observe human expressions and portray them, everything that involves feelings, whether they are happy or sad, physical or spiritual.

7- When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

In 2001 I started my work professionally, going through various techniques until I came to the art that brought me more visibility as an artist, which was collage.

8- Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

As I mentioned, I really like having my own style, when I'm going to do a new technique, I try to know only what materials to use and with that information I create my own art, I usually get inspired by photos. But that does not mean that I have no admiration for countless artists, such as Frida Kahlo, Tarsila do Amaral, Michelangelo, of which I reread and many others.

9- What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

Art is part of me, I can't see my life without the presence of art, with her I express the best and the worst of me without fear.



10- What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

I did studies and works in various techniques, among them, mosaics, Art Nouveau, acrylic paint, oil painting, sculptures with expanded concrete, aluminum art and currently collages.

11- Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

My family is very connected to art, since my paternal grandfather who in Spain was a great artist working with stones, my father does stone work and my mother has done many oil paintings, they are my great supporters, they always supported me a lot and that made me move forward, today I also have great support from my husband Gilberto, who is also an artist.

12- Do you have any other activity besides art?

My only activity is art, I have already given some workshops in my studio and in public places.

13- Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards? (Mention 5 most recent)


Solo Exhibitions:

  • Autódromo Velocittá - Driver Cup Event - 2016;
  • Aprohot event - 2018;
  • Expressions Exhibition at the Cultural Space of the City Hall of Guarujá - 2019.

International Collective Exhibitions:

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  • Carrousel Du Louvre - Paris - de 20 to 22 of October 2017;
  • MoLA - Vivante Art Museum - Paris - October 2017;
  • Carrousel Du Louvre - Paris - 19 to 21 of October 2018 Miami – Art & Designer Gallery – 18/09 to 30/09 from 2018;
  • Exhibition of Art Played and Art that Touches - Portugal, Porto – September 2019.

National Collective Exhibitions:

  • Montmartre Art Galerie - Teresina - Piauí - Brazil - 2017;
  • Shows Art touched and Art that Touches - Belo Horizonte - MG - June 2019;
  • Contemporary Art Salon of Alagoas - October 2019.


Matter in G1, by Mariane Rossi:

Silvana Perez with Fátima Bernardes:

Silvana Perez with Xuxa Meneghel:

14- Your plans for the future?

I don't really like making plans, but I would love to participate in exhibitions in SP and I want to learn new techniques, I am currently doing some studies with Marche paper sculptures.

15- In your opinion what is the future of Brazilian art and its artists? (in the general context) and why so many artists are giving preference to show their work in international exhibitions despite high costs?

Brazil has great artists, many talents, what is missing is opportunity, when an artist enters the international market and has success and recognition, he starts receiving invitations and visibility in Brazil, It was not supposed to be like this, but it's about culture, today with social networks this is changing, artists have an easier time showing their work and with that the possibility of growing in Brazil without having to invest in international exhibitions. But I think the investment is valid, for me it was extremely positive.







São Paulo – Brasil
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