Girl Square Shopping receives the exhibition "Arts and Crafts"


Exhibition assembles 26 works by the artist Rudi Nicks, depicting a peculiar way many contemporary afazares and its practitioners; from 22 March to 22 April

By doing construction sites of technical illustrations, outlining the day workers ' day, offsets of machinery and equipment, the artist Rudi Nicks began his career about 30 years ago. It was through this routine practice he decided to launch its most comprehensive way to look at this ancient human activity called work.

Nick leaves on screens his impressions of the scenery and daily life of the different arts and crafts. Its practitioners are highlighted throughout the work, honoring figures as the astronaut, gardener, capoeirista, teacher, waiter, journalist, among many others.


The use of vibrant colors in most paintings have, according to the artist, in order to brighten and highlight a theme considered noble and vast. "The human being has shown throughout history an enormous capacity to adapt to new situations, tools and processes to promote their livelihoods, and this ability is something that seems to break the inertia of the screen and push the boundaries of the frame ", says the artist.

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Exhibition "Arts and Crafts" in Girl Square Shopping

From 22 March to 22 April

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