Sesc Vila Mariana hosts the show IJÓ

The performance mixes dance with music and happens 22 to 24 April, directed by the dancer and choreographer Rubens Oliveira


São Paulo, April 2022 – From 22 to 24 April, Sesc Vila Mariana receives “IJÓ – One Body", production of choreographer and dancer Rubens Oliveira. The show is the result of a research process, aesthetic and technological experimentation in the perspective of connect dance and music artists. The activity is led by presenter Éric de Oliveira, that interacts with guest artists, through marginal literature. Ticket sales start on 19 April, through the Sesc SP Portal, IS in the day 20, in all Sesc units in the State.

IJÓ means dance in Yoruba, and it is from African territoriality that Rubens draws inspiration and reference to build a space of rite, where dance and music do not separate and become one body. The show is built from three perspectives: thought, that places dance as a place of ritualization; practices, educates sensibilities to bring the imagery to the movement; and experience, appreciation of meeting and exchanges.

The show IJÓ is directed by Rubens Oliveira and staged by dancers Irineu Nogueira, Ricardo Januario and Mayara Rosa. The production is divided into three duets, in which the dancers are accompanied by musicians Alysson Bruno (percussion), Tan Nago (violão) and Maria Fe (violin), in addition to the band composed by Maurício Pazz (strings), Sthe Araújo (percussion) and Felipe Oliveira (keyboard), being conducted by presenter Éric de Oliveira.


Rubens Oliveira is a dancer and choreographer and has 20 years develops research and experiments to connect dance artists with music and other artistic languages. In 2018, was awarded with the APCA in the Best Choreography category, with the show “Underground”, by the Gumboot Dance Brasil Company. Directed the Show “Nomad”, da artista Lenna Bahule. He acted as choreographer and dancer in the video clips: “Aseptic” (Raphael Kent, 2020) and "Saci(Bahia System, 2019, which competed for the Latin Grammy in the Best Short Version Music Video category). In 2021, participated in the Rec-Beat Festival, with the performance “Ancestral of the Future”.


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Directed by Rubens Oliveira
From 22 to 24 April
Friday and Saturday, at 9:00 pm; Sunday, at 18h
Sesc Vila Mariana – Body Room & Arts
60 min
Rating: 12 years

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Tickets: available from 19 April, through the Sesc SP Portal, IS in the day 20, at any Sesc unit in the State of São Paulo – R$ 15 (full credential, student, public school server, elderly, retirees and people with disabilities) e R$ 30 (entire)

*Note.: From 8/2, those responsible for the children of 5 to 11 years old must present proof of vaccination of minors, with the first dose of the immunizer against Covid-19. For adults over 12 years, proof of vaccination with both doses or a single dose of the vaccine is required. The voucher can be physical or digital and must be shown together with the photo ID. Wearing a mask is recommended, covering nose and mouth, during the entire stay in the unit.

SESC Vila Mariana | Information
Address: Pelotas Street, 141, Vila Mariana – São Paulo
call center (Superior Floor - Tower A): Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 20.30; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, das 10h às 18h (obs.: service by appointment).
Box office: Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 20.30; Saturday, from 10 am to 6 pm and from 8 pm to 9 pm; Sundays and holidays, das 10h às 18h.
Parking lot: R$ 5,50 the first time + R$ 2,00 for additional time (Full Credential: worker in trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and enrolled dependents). R$ 12 the first time + R$ 3,00 for additional time (other). 125 vacancies.
paracycle: free (obs.: it is necessary to use security locks). 16 vacancies
Information: 5080-3000
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