Culture room Leila Diniz receives ' Geometric ' Look


Exhibition portrays the reality under a figurative perspective

The painter Renato Martins Days, known artistically by Renats, exposes for the first time in the living room of Leila Diniz Culture with the exhibition "Geometric Look". Between the days 21 of December and 30 January 2018, the Official press space goers can check around for 25 works of acrylic on canvas, that bring pet readings, everyday situations and even personalities geometric perspective.

"With this exhibition, I intend to reshape the vision that people have about the world around us. All the works are a species of multicolored puzzle, a mosaic ", account the artist.


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Renats started your career in 1987, and has as its main influence Cubism, movement that prioritizes the use of geometric shapes. "The display is divided between original works and prints, Although report how fragmented, are easily identifiable ", concludes.

Display Geometric Look – Renato Martins Days
Date: 21/12/2017 to 30/01/2018
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz
Address: Rua Professor Heitor Carrilho, nº 81 - Center, Niterói
Free Entry

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