Culture room Leila Diniz receives exposure “Scribbles and smudges”


In the exhibition "Scribbles and smudges", of Sweet Rao, the commitment to Visual stimuli prevails on the need of a narrative. The paintings and illustrations of the artist, inspired by the details of everyday life, will be exposed in the Culture room Leila Diniz, between days 7 June and 4 July.

For the first time in space, Sweet will take you to the exhibition 22 drawings and 11 paintings. Lover of landscapes, He presents the techniques of vinyl on wood, oil on canvas and illustrations in Nanjing. "Is that everything around me causes enchantment. I like to watch all things where you step ". For him, It is important to note everything: "There will always be one drawing contained in something, for what it's worth ", complete.

Valuing art and design studies, Sweet chose not to name the frames of the exhibition. His goal is to cut loose the audience you're looking for the meaning behind their works to encourage you to pick up your private message. "The intention is to stimulate the sense of sight, cause appreciation of work for your viewing. The viewer can be free to interpret what you want ", says the artist.


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In addition to painter and draughtsman, Sweet Rodrigues is professor and designer, but calls himself a "rabiscador". He started painting with 16 years and always considered himself a lot of questing. "Today, I preferred to leave it a little aside and dedicated myself to a more free art. The artist has always the obligation of telling stories! There's beauty in the chance ", Express.

Exhibition Scribbles and smudges
Date: 07/06 to 04/07
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz
Address: Rua Professor Heitor Carrilho, 81, Centro-Niterói
Visiting hours: Monday-Friday, das 10h às 17h.
Free entry

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