Learn a little about the history of Minas Gerais and Brazil through literature
Minas Gerais is one of the most important Brazilian states for several reasons, be it for its natural wealth, for the state's unique cuisine or great cultural diversity.
The state of Minas Gerais generated some of the largest literary producers in the country and was a great cultural center for Brazilian literature.
Anyone who has traveled to Minas Gerais knows that the state exudes culture and welcomes all tourists who are visiting..
Thinking about it, We have prepared some important and unmissable points for one of the best literary tourism itineraries in the state of Minas Gerais. Check:
Starting with the capital: Belo Horizonte
The capital of Minas Gerais is the starting point of the itinerary, since many famous writers were born or lived part of their lives in the city.
Here the first place to visit should be the famous Praça da Liberdade: in this square, got together, at different moments in history, many of Brazil's most famous writers, like Fernando Sabino and his three greatest friends, Otto Lara Resende, Hélio Pellegrino and Paulo Mendes Campos.
They used the square as a meeting point to discuss stories, debate about life and death.
In 1955, the Luiz de Bessa State Public Library was opened in the square, one of Oscar Niemeyer's best-known works and also the stage for writers' meetings.
Perto dali, another unusual story. In 1929, the Santa Tereza Viaduct, which connects the center to the Floresta neighborhood, had one of its arches climbed by a young man from 27 years, at the height of his physical size – this young man was none other than the eternal writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade, during an act of rebellion.
A guard passing by arrested him., but Carlos Drummond dared him to go up and get it, who gave up and let the young man go his way.
Years later, in 1945, Fernando Sabino and his three friends (also known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) also climbed onto the viaduct arches.
Finally, we must visit the Maletta Building, a building that brings together restaurants, barbershops, residential blocks and an art gallery.
The building was built on the foundations of a demolished hotel, called Grand Hotel, where the poet Mário de Andrade read his poem Belo Horizonte Nocturne, in 1924, on the balcony of your room.
Ouro Preto
The former capital of Minas Gerais was one of the most important cities in Brazil.
Today considered a UNESCO world heritage site, was the largest source of gold extraction in Brazil.
in Ouro Preto, is it possible to visit 27 churches preserved from the times of Colonial Brazil and later Empire Brazil.
So that now, beyond gold and churches, Ouro Preto was also the cradle of Minas Gerais literary culture, such as the Inconfidência Museum, which shows in detail the lives of the inconfidentes, many of whom were intellectuals and poets, as Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, author of the famous “Chilean Letters”.
The first city in the state of Minas Gerais should also be part of the literary itinerary across the state.
This is due to the presence of the Casa da Cultura in the city, a space dedicated to literary events and home to one of the largest collections of Minas Gerais writers in the state.
In addition, the city of Mariana also promotes the Mariana Winter Festival annually, a food festival, drinks, recitals, book launches and poetry competitions.
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The small town of Itabira is home to one of the greatest poets in Brazilian history – it was there that Carlos Drummond de Andrade was born.
The city did justice to its fellow countryman and erected a memorial to the poet about his life and works, open to visitors.
São João del-Rei
The city of São João del-Rei is part of the literary route through Minas Gerais for another reason: the city is the birthplace of politician Tancredo Neves.
Therefore, There is the Tancredo Neves Memorial in the city, which brings together a collection of Brazilian political history, also encompassing the country's literary history.
Another unmissable spot is the city of Congonhas, a landmark of Brazilian baroque architecture, famous for the statues carved by the great Minas Gerais sculptor Aleijadinho – in total, are 66 statues representing the Passion of Christ that were produced by the sculptor.
So that now, in addition to the city's rich architectural culture, Congonhas is also a great literary cultural center, hosting events such as the Congonhas Literary Festival and the Djalma Andrade Museum.
Following the script, the last city that you cannot miss is Tiradentes, with its colonial charm.
The city was previously called São José del-Rei, but its name was changed in honor of the martyr of the Inconfidência Mineira.
In addition to several baroque churches, as well as Ouro Preto, the city has a great literary legacy, such as the Tiradentes Literature Festival, which brings together authors, critics and readers in an environment of literary discussion and celebration.
In addition, There is the Tiradentes House of Culture, which houses works by Brazilian modernist authors, like a canvas painted by Guignard, three studies of Cândido Portinari and a poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade about Tiradentes.
The state of Minas Gerais has much more wealth than those listed, so many that several visits may be necessary.
A tip to get to know more of the state’s tourist attractions is to look for a car rental in Belo Horizonte and explore the state by car, getting to know each small town and absorbing the local culture – not to mention the gastronomy, which is unmissable.

Text prepared by the Conversion team.