Regina Galvão at Ponteio Lar Shopping


"The art of the popular Brazilian masters and how to use it in the decoration". This is the theme of the lecture that the journalist will present on the day, Regina Galvão 23 de Mayo, at Ponteio Lar Shopping. The event is a partnership of the mall with the Brazilian Association of Interior Designers (ABD-MG).

Rico in genuine art, the Brazil has many talents in different techniques: wood, ceramics, fibers, leather etc.. With the goal of presenting the history and the work of some of these artists in various States of the country, Regina G shows still in your lecture as these artifacts can enhance and fill of charm the interior designs.

For the Superintendent of Ponteio Lar Shopping, Rafael Sampaio, It is always a unique opportunity and a pride take knowledge to the public that attends the distinguished mall. Still another event in partnership with a serious institution such as ABD-MG. "We have invested a lot in these meetings as a way to bring new information to anyone who frequents the Ponteio. I believe that with quality entertainment and become our most faithful audience exclusive and prestigiamos who is always near us ", complete the Executive.


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Day: 23 de Mayo
Time: 10h to 12:00
Local: Cineart Ponteio Lar Shopping (BR 356, nº 2500, Santa Lucia, BH)
Value: R$ 50,00. Associated with ABD-MG has free entry. Visit the link to

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