Affective-financial support network for women launches collective financing

Campaign focuses on carrying out training actions that help women take a first step towards changing their condition


The Bill +1 is a reception network for women built in March 2020 and that since then develops actions through a group on the Facebook platform. It was initially created by Janaína Kremer and Lívia Pasqual, counting, later, with the administrative help of Tatiana Nequete, Priscila Guerra and Caroline Falero, in addition to several women who contribute to the moderation of activities.

The results achieved were impressive: in just over 10 months of operation, the group won over 58 thousand members from all over Brazil, which made the circulation of approximately R $ 220.000,00 distributed among more than 1.000 benefited families and 2.000 orders fulfilled. In addition to the financial results, the group also impacted the lives of members through psychological counseling, medical and legal; mapping of professionals and offers of products and services in different areas of operation; sharing content about health, jobs, courses, notices and distribution of basic food baskets.

However, the large number of women in vulnerable situations, financial and emotional instability, situation that existed before, worsened during and will last as the Coronavirus situation passes, demanded the reorganization of the proposal so that the actions can provide long-term benefits and the professionalization of the team.


The restructuring of Boleto +1 focuses on carrying out training actions that can help women take a first step towards changing their condition. Initially one share per month will be offered, with remunerated hiring of female labor, preferably from a group member, that will share themes and information of major interest.

For each share offered will be made available 30 free seats for members. Having 100% presence in action, each of 30 selected women will receive an allowance of R $ 100,00. It is important to note that even though 30 benefit from the “aid”, the contents of the shares will be made available to all members for an indefinite period.

So that it is possible to materialize this new trajectory, the group launched crowdfunding through the Benfeitoria website. The action will ensure, also, the remuneration of the administrative work of the group, that until then has been happening voluntarily, putting into practice the importance of valuing the workforce of all women working in the proposal.

It is worth noting that the greater the contribution to financing, the greater the number of women impacted, be ministering actions, acting in press office, visual identity creation, accounting or legal advice. Enabling, and, a larger number of Boleto professional members +1 positively impacted by the project.

For more info:
Phone: (51) 98112-7018

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