Held monthly by Instituto Estação das Letras, Remember Childhood wins virtual edition for debate about Dalí and Murilo Mendes


Meeting will be in 28/05, Thursday, from 18h to 20h, by Zoom

The surrealist painter Salvador Dalí and the miner Murilo Mendes, one of the great poets of the 20th century, will be the theme of Remember Childhood, promoted monthly by Institute of Letters Station. The writers Suzana Vargas and Ninfa Parreiras will mediate this edition of the meeting, live, day 28/5, Thursday, from 18h to 20h, Zoom platform.

“Murilo Mendes is one of the main modernist authors and his contribution to the genre was to inaugurate a poetry of surrealist inspiration with surprising images, almost inadmissible. Daring, played with all forms of language conceiving unbelievable worlds. No wonder your work talks to childhood: for freedom, irreverence and joy ”, anticipates Suzana.


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The objective of the Project, from Latin re-heart, is to maintain the memory of consecrated personalities and that they have produced for children, contributing to the affective memory and the formation of the interested public.

Interested parties should request their registration by email [email protected] or by WhatsApp number 21 9 9127-4088. There will be a fee of R $ 50,00 to join the event.

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