Globe kiosk receives giant Twitter hashtag in the days of Carnival


Between the days 5 and 14 February, the Kiosk of the Globe will receive a hashtag giant of Globeleza. A partnership between Globe and Twitter, the public will be able to take a picture with the hashtag #Globeleza, and a special inspired by the colors of emoji Carnival of Globe. To complete the action, the Globeleza Erika Moura will be in space on Sunday (7) and in the second (8), between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm, signing autographs for anyone passing through space in Copacabana.

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Carnaval 2016. Globeleza Erika Moura. Foto: Ramon Vasconcelos.
Carnival 2016. Erika Globeleza Moura. Photo: Ramon Valdez.

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