
Performance / tribute with direction of Hugo Wheels and artists from Brasília

Workers and cultural workers in Brasília will take to the streets in solidarity with those who have lost their loved ones and to honor those who have left. The mobilization is the result of the emergency situation we are experiencing at the moment.

June 1st, Monday, at 5:30 pm, at the Plano Piloto Bus Station, the first action of the performance WHO WAS PARTY IS LOVE OF SOMEONE. The aim is to draw attention and raise awareness among the population in these pandemic times.


The performance seeks to communicate that “we are here, we exist and make our look and support available ”, says the organization. The mobilization is carried out by cultural professionals and involves the entire productive chain in the sector.

The event is also a way to highlight artistic production so relevant to society. It is always worth remembering that a country is also the result of its cultural expressions.

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This experience will respect the social distance and use of personal protective equipment recommended by the World Health Organization.

Day: 1June 2020
Time: 17:30
Local: Lawn of the East Loop of the Plano Piloto Bus Station (lawn in front of the bus station facing the esplanade)


General direction: Hugo Wheels
Steering assistance: Diana Bloch and José Regino
General coordination and art direction: Deborah Aquino

Operation production: Jorge Luiz
Operation assistance: Jose Delvinei
Production: Sound Karim, Genice Barego, Claudia Leal
Comunicação: Sergio Bacelar and Débora Aquino
Images: Moses Vasconselos
Projections: Boca
Video direction, edição: Marcio Barber
Drone operation and aerial imaging: Edney Torres and Rodrigo Stack
Image and camera capture: JoyBallard
Press office: Rodrigo Machado, Romario Schettino, Monica Ramalho, Sylvio Novelli, Jaqueline Dias and Carmen Moretzsohn
Graphic art: Jin Lopes
Intervention and performance in visual arts: Ju Borg
Creation: Hugo Wheels, Diana Bloch, José Regino, Jorge Luiz, Jose Delvinei, Deborah Aquino, Sound Karim, Genice Barego, Claudia Leal, Sergio Barcelar, Rosanna Viegas, Moses Vasconselos, Marcius Barbieri, Boca, Edney Torres, Tereza Padilha, Andersom Ant and Juju SEIXAS

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