multimedia project “Mirages”, directs light, lens and look at dissident bodies


With the support of DO – Background to the culture of the Federal District, Lainha Loyola and Gustavo Letruta launch the multimedia project


Photo essay to deconstruct limiting narratives wins video and website exhibition

outcast, away, marginalized, are the positions that some bodies, no matter how much they are present in our daily lives, fit to occupy certain spaces. In Mirages, look, lens and light direct the focus to the dissident bodies gain prominence in the scenes.

With a sensitive and attentive look, Loiola and Letruta realized the place of oblivion given to these bodies. Then came the desire to praise and offer recognition to the beauty and identities, giving these silhouettes traces of affection, history and contemplative desire.


Mirages reflects individuals and observes their places of importance through the wide-angle lens, to show their living environments, and the telephoto, to expand its interiors, your stories, Your lives.

Depict these marginalities with delicacy, where they are often difficult and violent, “it is exactly the moment when Miragens enters”, points Letruta. “Where there is confrontation, there is also love, wealth, poetry, art", complements Lainha.

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The realization of the project, conceived by Lainha Loyola and Gustavo Letruta, gives life to a will nourished by the two for approximately 3 years. They are artists whose performance profile dialogues with photography and audiovisual, and deepen their research in the universe of the street and society in their daily lives.

On permanent display since the beginning of the year, the project is on display on the website, where you can also watch videos, and on YouTube with the mini-documentaries and Mirages is also on the networks of the project's producer Cultural Saturn, in @saturnocultural, and as proposer Lainha Loyola, in @lainha_loiola.

Factsheet: Photography Direction Lainha Loiola | Artistic Direction and General Coordination Gustavo Letruta | Filmmaker Videomaker Thiago Sabino | Photographer Humberto Araújo | Performers Drag Queens Esmeralda e Nágila Goldstar | Performer Camila de Carvalho | Executive Producer Gustavo Letruta | Audiovisual Editor Beta Rangel | Communication Coordinator Lucas Lírio | Designer Gabriel Guira | Press Officer Rodrigo Machado | Web Designer NYX Marketing | Cultural Saturn Achievement.

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