Project "MNBA: Open for works” focuses on the formation of the popular art collection at the Museum


On face-to-face meeting Thursday, day 14 October, at 3:0 pm, Museum curator and doctor in anthropology Ana Teles, will talk about the formation of the institution's popular art collection.

Composed by 633 parts, the folk art collection dates back to 1963, when it arises from an acquisition by researcher Eneida de Morais. Later, this collection was exhibited from the mid-1980s. 1990 until the beginning of the years 2000, within the popular module part of the exhibition entitled “Museums of Origins”, explains Ana Teles, responsible for the MNBA's Popular and African Art collection.

The project “MNBA: open for works” always takes place on Thursdays, from 3 pm to 4 pm, with places limited to 30 participants. The purpose of these meetings is to promote a dialogue between the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts/Ibram and the public, through the presentation of research carried out on its collection and including the exhibition of works of art.


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