Project “MNBA: Open for Works”

Continuing the “MNBA: Open for Work", visitors will be able to follow the physical-chemical analysis of works from the collection of the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/Ibram.


The work will be carried out in the Aloísio Magalhães Room, in partnership with the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ). Through the analyzes carried out by IFRJ technicians, it is possible to investigate the palette of pigments that make up the work and the creative process employed by the artist.

Using unique equipment in Latin America, this instrument allows to carry out a mapping by means of radiography of how the pigments are distributed in the work. From this mapping, it is possible to identify even more about the artist's creation process in the.

Already on Friday, day 27 de Mayo, will be held a conversation circle with Eduardo Taulois, Founder of Instituto Djanira, whose mission is to preserve, research and disseminate the work and memory of Djanira, one of the most important Brazilian artists, Professor Renato Freitas, from the Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Rio de Janeiro/IFRJ Laboratory of Instrumentation and Applied Scientific Computational Simulation/LISComp and the Conservative-Restorator of the MNBA, Larissa Long.


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The public will be able to follow this program in the days 25 and 26 de Mayo, Wednesday and Thursday, at 3:0 pm, IS in the day 27 de Mayo, Friday, às 11h, in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Places are limited to 15 people and the entrance to the event will be carried out by Rua Araújo Porto Alegre. Applications are made by email.:

Meetings are free.

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