Typography, binding, editing and woodcut are some of the techniques
addressed in the workshops, courses and interventions

The world of graphic arts is quite present in daily life: books, magazines and newspapers have been typeset, edited, printed and bound. For those who question or are curious about these processes, the Sesc Pinheiros receives, from day 3 October 2015, the project GRAFIQUE!.
With activities throughout the month, the project brings together several technical experiments of the universe of printed. It will be possible to understand, for practical application, the typography, screen printing, woodcut and publications.
See the full program:
From 8 October to 5 November. Thursdays, 19h.
Entries from 1/10 in call center.
Age recommendation: 16 years
Values: R$ 30,00. R$ 15,00 (half: student, public school server, +60 years, retirees and people with disabilities). R$ 9 (full credential: worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and enrolled dependents).
Local: Workshop room 1 – 2º andar
Introduction to Typography offers theoretical and practical knowledge about types – pieces whose mold produces letters and symbols-, design of letters and printing techniques. The ancient processes of classical typography and its fundamental principles will be revisited, with metal and wood types, that will be applied in the context of contemporary visual communication.
The activity will be provided by the Caslon foundry, São Paulo – OTSP, non-governmental organization focused on experimentation, research and development of language and typographical techniques.
Days 20 and 21 October. Tuesday and Wednesday, 14h.
Entries from 1/10 in call center.
Age recommendation: 16 years
Values: R$ 30,00. R$ 15,00 (half: student, public school server, +60 years, retirees and people with disabilities). R$ 9 (full credential: worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and enrolled dependents).
Local: Workshop room 1 – 2º andar
The course Introduction to Binding, guided by artist and teacher Fernanda Brito, offers participants the basic elements of artistic bookbinding, introducing them to the tools and the work sign bookbinder, an approach of the points of view of technique and creativity. A binder will be developed with hard-shell case, that can be used for several purposes, as records or small publications.
From 27 to 29 October. Tuesday to Thursday, 13h.
Interested should send letter of interest, resume and a brief description of the project to oficinas@pinheiros.sescsp.org.br until day 15/10. Those selected will be notified in 21/10.
Age recommendation: 16 years
Values: R$ 30,00. R$ 15,00 (half: student, public school server, +60 years, retirees and people with disabilities). R$ 9 (full credential: worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and enrolled dependents).
Local: Workshop room 1 – 2º andar
Geared to those with an interest in publish small booklets, editorial experience Publisher 3 days It was named by its duration and ephemerality. For three days, participants will have the opportunity to discuss about their projects and edit them in A5 format, Since you have to 16 to 20 and pages can be printed in black and white. Each book will have a circulation of nine units and the participant will monitor the whole process of preparation, the text editing to image processing and General diagramming, with the guidance of the team of Publisher. In all will be selected 12 projects and, in each date, four participants will be guided in groups. The activity will be provided by visual artist Fabio Morais.
Days 8, 22, 24 and 31/10. Thursdays, from 11:00 to 3:00 pm. Saturdays, 12h to 4:0 pm
Free to all audiences
Local: Workshop room 1 – 2º andar
Xilomóvel team-driven activity, Roving Art Studio. The audience will experience the methodology of woodcut – Print form that uses wood as a basis for recording picture, or text – using arrays ready. In woodcut, the wood is carved with a sharp instrument, becoming matrix for reproducing an image on paper or other suitable support. After the creation of the array, use a rubber roller soaked in ink, playing just the high slot parts. The ink gets impregnated in support, revealing the figure.
Days 1, 3, 13 and 17/10. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 12h to 4:0 pm. Day 24/10. Saturday, 13h às 17h.
Free to all audiences
Local: Floor
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With the Sericleta, mobile printing unit artist Monica Schoenacker, participants will observe, live, printing of postcards by means of Serigraphy and take home materials finalized. In this printing method, also known as silk-screen, the ink is forced, with the use of a roll or handle, through a perforated screen, for a support below it.
From 3 to 31 October. Saturdays, 14h.
Free to all audiences
Free. Withdrawal of tickets with 1:00 in advance
Local: Workshop room 1 – 2º andar
Children and their parents may experience, together, the possibilities of the world chart by means of a hybrid between letter and fanzine to be exchanged between the participants. The cartazine is a letter made with images printed on a sheet, that turns into a small printed material. The prints will be explored from the hands, as well as styrofoam stamps that will be created, dipped in the ink, can compose characters forming stories, narratives and memoirs. The activity will be conducted by the artist Julia Bortoloto.
Service |
GRAFIQUE! October 2015 |
SESC PINHEIROS Address: Paes Leme Street, 195. Box office: Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 9:00 pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 to 6:00 pm. Tel.: 11 3095.9400. |
Valet parking: Tuesday to Friday, from 7:00 to 10:00 pm; Saturday, Sunday, holiday, from 10h to 19h. Rates / vehicles and motorcycles: for activities at Teatro Paulo Autran, single price: R$ 6,00. |
Address: Paes Leme Street, 195. Check on map:
[googlemap src=”” align=”aligncenter” ]
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of Printed Art
http://t.co/Y4w87DSzW7 http://t.co/bZUhfOI939
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of art Printed #arte #artesvisuais… http://t.co/G0YQrzyWPy
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of art Printed #arte #artesvisuais… http://t.co/jOmWfTSUUb
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of Printed Art http://t.co/8FbsygIAVf
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of Printed Art https://t.co/prgUsi8gDX
Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe… http://t.co/OgdD2KZTyA