Art in Dialogue Project, in Quarantine, com Sami Hilal, in the MNBA


The artist Sami Hilal helps us to walk through his works: “Affective memory, writing and literature are recurrent themes in my conceptual process, result in experimental research showing new paths new discoveries. A hybrid work between drawing and sculpture ”.

With works that emerge from intense research, some of Sami Hilal's creations impact us in the video that this multimedia artist launches the next day 30 October, at 4:00 pm, on MNBA social networks: Facebook – MNBARio and Instagram – @mnbario, within the Arte em Diálogo project - In Quarantine.

Having served as a teacher for 20 years, Sami Hilal of Syrian descent, was born in Vitoria (ES, 1952) and before graduating in Fine Arts at UFES, in 1976, already integrated exhibitions in Minas Gerais. The artist reveals that his creations “are born on the plane and are launched into space, and what is presented are issues related to emptiness, the transparency, fragility guided by matter. It is the realities that reveal themselves.”


Sami Hilal's trajectory includes exhibitions at the UFF Art Gallery(Niterói); Gallery Marilia Razuk (SP, in 1998/2000/2003); at the Vale do Rio Doce Museum (Vila Velha, ES) in 1998; at the HAP Gallery(River), in 2001 and 2004; MAM-RJ, 2008; in the Palace of Arts (Belo Horizonte, MG), in 2008; at the Lasar Segall Museum(SP), in 2010; at the Chácara do Céu Museum(RJ), in 2013; in Anchieta Palace, in Vitoria(ES), in the year 2016; at the Correios Cultural Space in Porto Alegre, in 2015, among several other participations.

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Abroad, the artist integrated exhibitions in Germany, Ecuador, India, Lebanon, France, USA, Japan and Spain, in addition to art fairs, for example.

The National Museum of Fine Arts / Ibram develops the project Art in Dialogue – In Quarantine to provide contemporary artists and society with an affective and reflective interaction, in this difficult time of social isolation.

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