Program to encourage reading of Curitiba in the final national award


The "Curitiba Reads", reading incentive program carried out by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, It is a finalist for the 4th edition of the Reading Pictures Award, promoted by the Pro-Book Institute (SP). The aim of the awards, supported by the National Book Chamber, It is to enhance and disseminate successful initiatives in the field of training of readers and encourage reading, in all regions of the country.

Over 200 project 23 Brazilian states competed in this edition. The program is among the Curitiba 42 finalists ( and competes in the category "Libraries". The other categories are Production Chain, Media and Civil Social Organizations. The list of finalists was announced by the institute on Tuesday (29). The three winners of each category will be announced on 4 of december, a ceremony in São Paulo. They will take the IPL trophy Prize - Portraits of Reading.

Actions - Created 2010, the "Curitiba Reads" consists of a set of development actions, spreading and training aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of reading contents in the population. Currently, count with 16 Houses Reading and Reading Bondinho on the sidewalk of Rua XV de Novembro. In addition to the physical spaces, the program also promotes direct actions with the community offering reading circles activities and storytelling, reading labs, lectures, seminars and workshops and analysis of literary creation.


Reading the houses hold book loans in the same way that traditional libraries, differentiating these by offering a specialized collection of literature and arts. Given a mixed audience of children, young, adults and seniors, Reading the houses seek to maintain a relationship with the community of your surroundings, mainly through institutions like schools, social centers, neighborhood associations, NGOs, among others.

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Highlights - This is not the first time the "Curitiba Reads" is indicated as one of the outstanding initiatives in encouraging reading. In 2012, it was included in the Observatory of Reading Public Policy in Latin America, the UNESCO Chair in Reading (PUC - Rio) as sample program that contributes to social transformation through training players. In 2014, one of reading mediation projects Curitiba Reading Program, the word woman, It was nominated as one of five finalists for the Award Vivaleitura, joint initiative of the Ministries of Culture and Education.


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