Created three years ago, the project "Art, Sport and Solidarity ", the curator and promoter of arts, Angela de Oliveira, reaches its third edition. Held the day 9 to 20 January, in Alphaville Tennis Club, Barueri / SP. Mostra no Bank of the Republic of Uruguay repete, Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, from 20 of February to 5 March. This time, the beneficiary institution will be Cafu Foundation, the former captain of the Brazilian national football team, who is entitled to receive part of the proceeds of works sold during the exhibition.
"In the other two opportunities where the project took place, help institutions Creche Maria Clara and Bethel Home, both Sorocaba, São Paulo. This time, I decided to help Cafu Foundation, since, in addition to admire him as an athlete and as a human being, I know the great work he performs with these children. I decided to start the year with a charity project, bringing together many artists, with significant works that I am sure will be a success ", Angela says that, on 23 January, will give a commemorative celebration, in Alphaville, by three years of entrepreneurial success with art.
The artists participating in the project are Aurino Jottar, Ana Bittar, Carla Senna, Carmen Nicoli, Cris Picerni, Eliane Amorim, Félix Sampaio, Florence Marmol, Gabriel Diaz, Gilberto Rosado, Monique Saboya, Iane Zanini, Jane Paris, Lana Bittencourt, Leonardo Labriola, Luan Ribeiróvski, Lucimary Toledo, Mariá Mallmann, Mônica Pailo, Pathy Esse, Rosangela Vig, Sabrina Sibila, Silvaney Vasconcelos, Tarcil to Eskeff, Wanessa Prado, Nancy Steps, Sofia Parente, Mauro Kersul, Ricardo Muñoz, Zelia Mendonça, Fatima Marques, Claudio Cupertino, Luciano Carmo, Leticia Moretzsohn, Regina Moraes, Deca Torres, Edson Ramos, Maria Tereza Penna, Thais C. Pires and Vieira Xavier Sirlea.
The highlight is the artist Aurino Jottar, who began his career as a traditional painter, using materials such as oil paint, easel, brush and spatula. After a while, the artist decided to embark on a new adventure, This time, walking through a more realistic style, reproducing personalities portraits, angels and horses. For him, participate in a social project is the best way to contribute to a better society.
"As a painter, I understand that the best way to contribute to the Cafu Foundation is donating a work of art. The table with the painting of Neymar, of humble origin, but won all their difficulties through sport, It is a good example, as well as the own Cafu. I want to collaborate with images representing winners can help those who struggle, always, for better days ".
charity online auction
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From 8 from January to 2 March, held a virtual auction site by www.artnatic.com.br, the Artnatic Brazil, directed by own Angela de Oliveira, with the participation of all project works. "In the description of the works exhibited at the portal, shall state the minimum bid and the percentage that will go to Cafu Foundation, ranging from 30%, 50% and up 100% of the total amount collected ", details Angela.
Cafu Foundation
The Cafu Foundation is a nonprofit, generating development opportunities that acts in the fight against social inequality. It proposes a socio-educational care for about 630 children and low-income youth, aged 4 to 17 years and 11 months, beyond 279 people over 18 years, with professional courses, in the city of São Paulo.
Its mission, implement and maintain programs that promote the social inclusion of Irene Garden community, Cafu neighborhood where he was born and grew, and other neighbors, guiding them to seek their rights as citizens, becoming transforming agents of their own realities.
"There is no price in this world that can pay the smile on a child's face. Let's walk together and do our part. Every child has the right to dream ", says Marcos Evangelista de Morais, better known as cafu.
Service |
Art, Sporting Solidarity |
Alphaville Tennis Club |
Address: Alameda Paris, number 555, Alphaville A, Barueri / SP |
Date: from 9 to 20 January 2017 |
Bank of the Republic of Uruguay |
Address: Paulista Avenue, number 1.776, 9º andar, Beautiful View, São Paulo |
Date: from 20 of February to 5 March 2017 |
In both events admission is free. |