Why Moms Wear Ponytails? Discover the book by Ana Boulos

The book published by Grupo Editorial Coerência has conquered Brazilian mothers with its chronicles on motherhood


The author's debut book Ana Boulos, "Why do mothers wear a ponytail?”, published by Editorial Group Coherence, has been drawing public attention. With the proposal to reflect on the intense work that is to be mothers of newborns, the book has been pleasing the mothers of the country.

Ana Boulos, who is also the author of "She's my sister", by the publisher Typewriter, found in writing a new way to express herself after the birth of her first child. public attorney, is a specialist in different areas, from neuroscience to psychology and creative writing. This time, intends to share reflections and learnings based on their studies in child development, self-knowledge and positive psychology.

For those willing to better understand the universe of motherhood, "Why do mothers wear a ponytail?”, from Ana Boulos, is the right request.

Synopsis: Have you ever wondered why mothers of newborns wear ponytails? The puerperium, as well as the months following it, is of intense transformation in a woman's life. At the beginning, the energy turns to survive the intense days and nights of caring for the newborn. After the famous forty days of protection, a new stage of adaptations and rediscoveries begins again. Why Moms Wear Ponytails? brings the vision for this post-maternity awakening through the voice of different mothers.


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About the author: Ana Boulos was born in the capital of São Paulo into a large family in which the maternal figure has always been prominent. book lover, despite her academic background and her position as a Public Lawyer, he never let the seriousness of the routine fade with his curious and creative gaze. With the birth of your daughters, started a personal realignment process, finding the courage to exercise your true passion, tell stories, in a professional way. Her debut book as a writer is a tribute to all mothers, that just like her, reinvented their lives after motherhood.

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