Ponteio presents Shows uniting fashion and Design-FUMEC decoration (14 to 21/11)


New looks, creativity, renewal and innovation. This is the concept of the show to be held Design FUMEC between 14 to 21 November, at Ponteio Lar Shopping. Fashion and decoration unite to present to the market a group of future professionals of design in these two segments. The event is a realization the University FUMEC.


The seventh art is the inspiration for the 40 students of the ephemeral and scenographic Projects discipline from the design course at the University. During the week the Shows FUMEC, students, divided into groups, shall submit the halls of Ponteio Lar Shopping the seven environments created from different movies. All securities, adornments and objects are the shops of the mall.


"The films are of different genres, times and historical contexts, what contributed to a rich and inspiring design for anyone visiting the Ponteio Lar Shopping during these days ", highlights Rosângela Brandão Mosque, Project Coordinator of the reverse Design Shows the University FUMEC.

The public can check the room for a teenager inspired by ' the fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain '; the lounge for every family in the style ' Lilo & Stitch '; the dressing room with elements and colors of the film ' Marie Antoinette '; the lounge for entertaining friends in the style of ' Alice in Wonderland '; and the rooms inspired by ' Clockwork Orange ', ' Back to the Future "and" My Neighbor Totoro ".

In addition to the movie-inspired environments, the Ponteio Lar Shopping will also feature with an installation and a linking design and film. The space "Design on the scene" features a tribute to Pixar Animation Studios, who completed 30 years in 2016. The exhibition brings 35 alternative posters printed on fineart and covering some of the most beloved films of the Studio, as Toy Story, Brave, Monsters S.a., among others.

"Different posters created by fans, using images from the film and recreate pieces very close to official posters, the alternative posters created by designers and illustrators presents Visual solutions in various graphic techniques, ranging from manual to digital collage illustration, in an independent interpretation and ", explains the teacher Claudia Terezinha, on the coordination of the exhibition.


In the day 20 November, às 19h30, the creativity of students in the last sentence of the fashion Design course at the University FUMEC turns into a big parade, with the right props, soundtrack, makeup and models chosen to compose and complement the creations.

In Fashion Form FUMEC, traditional event fashion of Belo Horizonte, that's in your 26th Edition, each student will present the development and the result of your search, product of an interdisciplinary experience worked with the teachers, counselors and technical support of specific areas. Altogether there are 66 looks developed by 23 students. The show is closed to guests and will have in your peer review journalists, influencers and professionals connected to the universe of sets.

"The show is the result of investigations, constant trials and studies developed during the four years of the student by the University. It's time to display the work of new designers. Unique opportunity to start your career on the right foot in an event already consecrated in the mining market ", highlights Antônio Fernando Santos, Coordinator of the fashion Design Course at the University FUMEC.

For Luiz Sternick, marketing manager of Ponteio Lar Shopping, the mall breathes design and innovation, so it is the ideal place to carry out initiatives like this. "Encourage the new generation of designers is to boost our market and this partnership with FUMEC helps us be the link in the chain that links market, shops, manufacturers and designers ", complete the Executive.

Service: Shows FUMEC

Date: 14 and 21 November
Time: 10h to 9:00 pm

Local: Ponteio Lar Shopping (BR 356, nº 2.500)

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