Ask 'The Princess and the sapo' brings magic to Room Leila Diniz


Children's show will be presented on Saturday, with free entry

trip, princes and princesses will take care of Leila Diniz Culture Room on Saturday (9), at 12:00, with the presentation of the play "The Princess and the sapo". The children's show directed by Cezar Cavalcanti and Gugu Araújo is part of the Cultural Giro, program offered free space around the second Saturday of the month.

The story brings the journey of Prince Eduard in search of his beloved, Princess Anna. Amid colorful scenes, puppets and lots of music, the kids will have fun with the Prince's adventure and his companions. The cast is starring producers, besides Emily Cortes and Vinicius Coelho.


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The design More Reading will also be present in the room Leila Diniz with hundreds of children's books. Disney classics, Monica and children's media titles will be sold at prices ranging from R $ 2 the R $ 9. Most Read is an initiative of the Printing Bureau of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro to democratize access to reading.

Cultural working with the play "The Princess and the sapo"
Date: 09/02/2019
Time: 12h
Address: Culture room Leila Diniz, Rua Heitor Carrilho, 81 - Niterói Center
Free Entry

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