Walk through the squares of Rio, from the suburbs to the Center, is chosen by the public of Rolé Carioca in April


Municipality of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Secretary of Culture and Estudio M’Baraká present

Walk through the squares of Rio, from the suburbs to the Center, is chosen by the public of Rolé Carioca in April

From religious festivals to meeting places, from free markets to free events on weekends, passing by the beauty of the historical monuments, the squares inhabit the hearts of cariocas. Chosen in online voting, the Praças do Rio circuit is the script of Rolé Carioca in April. The virtual tour will tell a little about the history of Rio de Janeiro from squares, and bandstands from all regions of the city and happens in the day 25 April at 10 am Zoom platform, with simultaneous transmission by Facebook of Rolé Carioca

From stages for commemorations and parties in the suburbs to leisure spaces and fairs in different neighborhoods of the city, going through old sites full of history, such as Largo do Boticário and Largo de São Francisco de Paula, as praças e largos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro são o tema do roteiro virtual do Rolé Carioca em abril.


Important not only for their strategic locations and tributes to personalities, city ​​squares play a fundamental role in the relations of identity and sociability in the neighborhoods and regions where they are located. In other times, it was in the plazas that people sought drinking water: spouts, fountains and fountains played an important role in the supply of water until the end of the century 19.

Some squares still maintain the friendly bandstands that immediately refer to cities in the interior, with their performances by music bands and quizzes. Or, as in the case of Praça Washington Luiz, in Sepetiba, to rallies: it was there, in the oldest bandstand in Rio de Janeiro, that the character Odorico Paraguassu made his hilarious political speeches in the soap opera O Bem Amado, by playwright Dias Gomes, in 1973.

There are also those that have become a symbol of the city, such as Largo da Lapa, com seus imponentes arcos, or those inspired by squares from other countries, like Paris, in glory. Important landmarks of entire neighborhoods, as the Saens Peña, in Tijuca, to San Salvador, in Orange, and Drought, in Jacarepaguá, the squares give identity to many regions of the city.

Some have been remodeled, others had their monuments moved to other neighborhoods and there are still those that disappeared from the map to make way for road works.

Whatever, praças e largos habitam o imaginário – e os corações – dos cariocas e foram o roteiro escolhido em votação online pelos rolezeiros como roteiro de abril do Rolé Carioca, on a virtual tour led by historians Roberta Baltar and William Martins.

In 2021 Rolé Carioca further deepens its proposal and invites the public to tell their stories on the Map of Memories (www.rolecarioca.com.br/mapa/) and follow proposals from people who think the city, seja no Papo de Rolé – série de debates disponíveis em www.rolecarioca.com.br/papoderole/acervo – seja nas conversas com diretores dos filmes apresentados na Mostra CineCidades www.rolecarioca.com.br/cinecidades/acervo.

“You could say that the city is never ready. It is an open platform, em constante construção”, elaborates Isabel Seixas, creator of Rolé Carioca. “Fazemos um convite às pessoas para que pratiquem a cidade, know and be part of it in a more conscious and proactive way ”, ends.

SERVICE – Rolé Carioca - Squares do Rio Date: 25 April (Sunday)
Time: 10 hours
Participation: The Zoom link will be released at 09h50 in the project profiles (Facebook and Instagram)
Free - No registration required: approximately 1 hour
WebSite: www.rolecarioca.com.br
Facebook: /RoleCarioca
Instagram: @rolecarioca
YouTube: /RoleCarioca

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About Rolé Carioca

Multiplatform culture project, history and knowledge about Rio de Janeiro, Rolé Carioca adds a rich collection of stories, curiosities, facts and characters collected in almost a decade dedicated to people, to the memory and culture of the city.

The museum was created in 2013 from face-to-face tours through different itineraries, telling stories about Rio and its characters, Rolé Carioca expands its operations in 2021 dedicated to listening to stories of residents and bringing reflections on the urban space through actions such as the Map of Memories, the Papo de Rolé webseminar and the CineCidades film show – merging virtual and face-to-face programming, adapted to the pandemic moment.

For his trajectory, Rolé Carioca was one of the winners of 2019 Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award, granted by IPHAN to initiatives for the preservation and dissemination of historical and cultural heritage.

About M’Barakå Studio (UM-BA-RA-KAT) - Director and creator of the project

Created 14 years by Isabel Seixas and Diogo Rezende, the M'Baraká studio develops multiple projects with professionals from different segments and stands out for its methodology, that involves creation, search, strategic planning and art direction. Since 2013, economist Larissa Victorio is part of society. The group's projects are unique, focused on creating relevant experiences, that generate knowledge and value for their audiences: www.mbaraka.com.br

Rolé Carioca is sponsored by the City of Rio de Janeiro, of the Municipal Secretary of Culture, of Estacio and the National Electric System Operator (U.S), co-sponsorship of First RH Group and Shift Gestão de Serviços, through the Municipal Culture Incentive Law – Lei do Iss, and support from Lecca and the World Architecture Congress.

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