to win crisis, audiovisual sector transforms and invests in technology

migrate online, investing in technology and corporate communication were some of the solutions found by the producers


In an era of great digital transformation, the audiovisual sector has become one of the main tools for the effective communication of people and organizations, as it is directly linked to the way in which society creates and consumes content. Amidst the pandemic, the scenario and perspectives for the audiovisual sector in Brazil have changed radically. During social isolation, videos became such an entertainment escape., as a form of dialogue and connection between companies and their employees, in addition to education method.

To Leandro Alvarenga, CEO of content producer Prime Art, before reaching the current promising stage, the trajectory of the productions was very complex, especially at the beginning of the crisis. "In the first months we saw the sector suffer from the stoppages of all projects, mainly content producers, especially in the part of external recordings, for relying solely on suppliers, employees and the entire production team together in this area. this scenario, in specific, remains complicated due to social isolation. Producers who have no other means to carry out their productions were left aside when everything went online. If there was no plan B for new sources of income within the company, she could hardly keep up. It took a reinvention of this niche to ensure survival", the firm.

Second to Appro (Brazilian Association for the Production of Audiovisual Works), 99% of audiovisual producers felt an impact on the reduction of budgets due to the pandemic, 56% claimed to have had projects canceled and 50% had to reduce the number of employees.


Process automation, Artificial intelligence (IA) and remote driving were some of the tools found for the survival of the niche during the crisis that ended up being transformed into a new business model. Investment in animation and technology has also become essential. Because they need to maintain a continuous content flow in internal communication and internal marketing, like in campaigns, internal and external advertisements, strategies, most companies increasingly demand this type of communication in video format, what increased the volume of audiovisual productions.

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Still for the executive, with the great changes in the use of technology in this area, it was already predictable that all types of content would start to arrive in large part as audiovisual, but it became difficult to stand out in the midst of so much content, since the algorithm of streaming or video platforms lead the user to consume countless things from the most diverse themes, that end up becoming interesting at some point. So, the highlight of this material is directly linked to whoever manages to create good content combined with technology.

"The current audiovisual market has expanded to other players, mainly technology. We have a wider range of opportunities, even for those who do not have a relevant film or TV background, but they have technological tools capable of superimposing the quality of audiovisual production – making it secondary. This is a trend to keep an eye on. The scenario is challenging and the competition should intensify even more. in the fight for survival, companies that offer an innovative product, Of Quality, and at an affordable price, will come out ahead" concludes Alvarenga.

About Prime Arte

The Prime Art is a Brazilian content producer with complete technology and video production solutions for marketing areas, endomarketing and internal communication of large companies. Focused on quality service and without bureaucracy and for over thirteen years in the market, Prime Arte brings together in its team great experts in technology consulting, commercial service and content production.

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