Exhibition with accessibility, containing works with audio description and tactile pieces. O SESI Itapetininga apresenta a… As flores dentro de um ambiente conseguem fazer com que a decoração fique ainda mais… Exponent of the plastic arts, the artist from Pernambuco proposes new dialogues to art in the exhibition “C+asa”,… On 21 de maio haverá um concerto com a Orquestra Experimental de Repertório e…Indigenous people is the subject of Dani Sandrini's exhibition at SESI Itapetininga with images printed on plant leaves and on paper with genipap pigment
See how to work with flowers in decoration
Conversation between Marcelo Silveira, Gabriela Motta and the audience is this Wednesday (18) no V744atelier
Theatro Municipal de São Paulo carries out a project that takes free performances to the city's neighborhoods