(The)PART OF THE WHOLE The whole without the part is not the whole, A parte sem o… In its 11th edition the “Prix Photo Aliança Francesa”, o concurso nacional de fotografia conta… 54º Modern Numismatic Auction 28 de junho às 19h00 LEILOEIRA Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP… In July, the Eva Klabin House Museum resumes the “Holidays at the Museum” project, com atividades…BASE opens the press conference (The) PART OF THE WHOLE
Open voting for the People's Jury Award “11º Prix Photo Aliança Francesa”
Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 54º Modern Numismatic Auction – 28-06 at 7:00 pm
Lively holidays with workshops, jokes and a lot of culture