October Pink + November Blue: Celebrating life! by Rosângela Vig


You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig:

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

The wind swept the lights,
The wind swept the songs
The wind swept the aromas,…
And my life was
Increasingly full
Of flavourings, of stars, of singing.
(BANDEIRA, 2008. p. 105)

Art diversifies, Sometimes it takes unusual forms, especially is full of life, reflects the life and, This diversification, She becomes full. Of organic or figurative forms, in varied colors, the art speaks to the conscience and raises an awakening. Wake up to your life, to sharpen the senses and knowledge can be essential for life.

On CAASP, Box of São Paulo lawyers Assistance, the awareness and prevention of breast and prostate cancer were taken seriously and the art played a key role in this campaign. This was the theme of the exhibition curator Sandra Honors, with the support of Dr. Cíndia Regina Moraca, Director of Arts Law Commission of OAB, SP.


The official opening of the event, on 29 October, featured a schedule linked to the theme, with Pink October Seminar and the November Blue, adding knowledge about breast cancer and prostate. The diversity of works of great artists of São Paulo made clear the true intention of the Shows, that is a wake-up call for the prevention. And the art will working in one of his papers, the cause and promote awareness.

Realization: Women's Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association Lawyer SP
President: Katia Boulos
Secretary General – Brazilian Gisele Fleury Charmillot Germano de Lemos
Coordination of Social Action
Coordinator: Clarice D & #8217; Bear
Support: Order of attorneys of Brazil São Paulo section – OAB/SP
President: Marcos da Costa

Box of São Paulo lawyers Assistance – CAASP
President: Braz Martins Neto
Department of culture and events OAB/SP
Director: Umberto Luiz Borges D & #8217; Bear
Support from Dr. Cíndia Regina Moraca – Director of Arts Law Commission of OAB SP Subsection Jabaquara

Video of the event:

Curated By Sandra Honors

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BANDEIRA, Manuel. Bandeira de Bolso. Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket , 2008.

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