Symphony Orchestra Apprentice in Room Leila Diniz


The Apprentice Symphony Orchestra presents, on 26 of June, at 12:30, in the series "Concerts in the press", the room Leila Diniz. The entrance will be free.

Created in 2007, OSA is the main orchestral formation of the "Apprentice Program – Music in School ", Niterói maintained by Prefecture, and serves as insertion platform youth in universities and in the professional music market. Today, several members and former members of the OSA who began their careers in professional orchestras and followed training in teaching. The orchestra is an opportunity for students graduating from public schools can continue their musical studies, deepening their learning. Thus, young people improve their technical and artistic skills, and can experience the orchestral experience with rehearsals and public performances.

Composed by 40 young musicians – aged 13 and 22 years – and under the baton of conductor Evandro Rodriguese OSA will present a musical repertoire that includes from the baroque to contemporary composers production, focusing on Brazilian music, in which they make the songs present: Sinfonia n.8, Shubert; rule Three, Toquinho and Vinicius de Moraes; In a Monastery Garden, The. Ketelbey e In a Persian Market, The. Ketelbey.


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The Leila Diniz Culture Room is located on Rua Heitor Carrilho, 81, no Center Niterói RJ-.

Symphony Orchestra Apprentice
Date: 26 June 2018, Tuesday
Time: 12h30
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz
Address: Rua Heitor Carrilho, 81, Center, Niterói-RJ
Phones: (21) 2717-4055 / (21) 2717-5299

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