ArtWork “Bar”

Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima.
Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima.

Work Bar - 1986

In Dimensions 29×42 cm in Nankin Watercolor.

Author: Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima (1933*1998)
Nationality: Brasil
Artistic Activity: Professional – Level of Recognition: Maitres Recognize
Types of work: Drawing Prize | Digital Art | Painting | Sculpture



Obra Bar

Value of the ArtWork: R$ 3.654,00

Freight: FOB Collection.

Paymt: In advance 3% discount or 12X Paypal / Visa / Master within Brazil.


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Luiz Carlos de Andrade LimaMedalha Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima.

( Curitiba / Brasil, 1933*1998 )

“The work of Andrade Lima comes from solitary work, a stubborn personality who fought for his views, mainly by remaining faithful to figurative at a time of so many fads in abstract and conceptual.

The result of this tenacity is that , every passing day, his work not only values, as serves as an example to younger artists who, paradoxically, are painting and revitalizing the figurative ".

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Andrade Lima had his first contacts with the painting around the age of eight. He studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Paraná, establishing itself as a figurative expressionist artist, current which no more abandon. Painted the most different themes, with emphasis on religious and social. Are pictures of the people, simple people of the streets and squares, figures of Christ, San Francisco, bars and women of the night, everyone, always, in harmonious coexistence.

Was painter, teacher, designer, recorder, sculptor, illustrator and poet. As artist, was the one who most captured the soul of your city. Author of “Via Sacra” of Third Order of San Francisco of Chagas, in Curitiba, with fifteen paintings, being that the last, representing the Resurrection of Christ, is gone.

In 1980, founds the “Andrade Lima Gallery and School of Art”, by which passed hundreds of students and were released numerous new talents. Throughout his career, Andrade Lima held over 20 individual shows, always displaying new works. With a brilliant career in art on Paraná, won dozens of awards.

Graceful, in 1993, with the Award “City of Curitiba 300 Years - Best Painter”, the following year, received his consecration maximum, being honored by the State Government as “Honorary Citizen of Paraná”, in appreciation for his work as an artist and teacher, now recognized, but, that posterity shall praise as one of the most important artists that the Paraná produced for humanity.

Member of Honour of “Divine French Academy of Arts and Letters Culture / Paris”.

Diploma Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima.



See also other works of Luiz Carlos de Andrade Lima:

[one_third]Obra Mulheres no Bar[/one_third][one_third]7º Encontro Desenho Plástica[/one_third][one_third_last]Obra Bar da XV[/one_third_last]

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