The Master II Salon D'Armas extends registration and announces completion date


They are extended until the day 13 de Mayo Registration for the Second Edition Hall Master D'Arms. Works to compose the Hall will be exposed in Historical Museum and Artistic Planaltina (map), among the days 8 June and 11 August 2019, for free public visitation.

Artists resident in the Federal District and Surrounding interested in participating in the competitive exhibition of contemporary art has until 13 May to sign, for free, up to three works in different visual languages ​​and design, engraving, painting, sculpture, object, photography, video art, video installation, performance and urban intervention (with records), computer art and other contemporary media.

To meet this call, artist or legal guardian must complete the registration form, available in, print it and send by mail, via Sedex, or hand in hand with material on the works in Space Culture Renato Russo (Address for delivery or shipping: CRS 508, with. The, LJ. 72, POSTAL CODE 70.351-515), in a sealed envelope to the attention of Master II Salon D'Armas – Contemporary Art. It is recommended to read the Notice, also available in the Hall's website, indicated above. Registration will only be effective upon shipment or delivery of the material on the works.


of subscribers, They will be selected 15 visual artists by a panel of three renowned experts and nationally recognized trajectory, also responsible for choosing the winners. the awards, R $ 59 thousand, They are divided at $ 10 thousand for the 1st place, R$ 7 thousand for the 2nd place and R $ 6 thousand for the 3rd. The remaining participants will receive, also, a premium share of R $ 3 thousand.

More than rewarding contemporary visual artists, the Hall Master D'Arms has as proposals "put Planaltina, where there is also art buyers, in art shows circuit, and stay alive and full of visitors this historic mansion, colonial architecture Sec. XIX and which houses the Historical Museum of our city ", account Simone dos Santos Macedo, member of AACHP – Association of Friends of Planaltina History Center, creator and director of the institution Hall. The Master I Salon D'Armas, which reached a higher spontaneous visitation 10 thousand lovers of the arts, awarded John Angelini (1º Place), Krishna Steps (2º), and Adriana Ferrer (3º).

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The Hall has the FAC / DF resources – Support Fund for Culture of the Federal District and support the Cultural Renato Russo, Instituto Cultural Good and Radio Utopia FM.

competitive exhibition of visual artists and exhibition: II Hall Master D'Arms - Contemporary Art
Deadline for entries: By 13 May 2019, às 17h. Send the material by post (CRS 508, with. The, LJ. 72, POSTAL CODE 70.351-515, A / c II Hall Master D'Arms – Contemporary Art), or delivery person, in Cultural Renato Russo (On the W3 508, A / c II Hall Master D'Arms – Contemporary Art).
Realization: From 8 from June to 11 August 2019, the Historical Museum and Artistic Planaltina (Square Salviano Guimarães, 24, Traditional sector Planaltina).
More information on:
Contact for interviews: Simone dos Santos Macedo (61) 9.9279.0003


map – Historical Museum and Artistic Planaltina It opened in April 1974 and has a collection of furniture and utensils that tell the story of the former Master of Vila D'Armas. Declared a Cultural Heritage, by the Government of the Federal District, the MHAP was recognized as a memory point, the Ministry of Culture / Ibram, and, recently, He received the title of Culture Point by Secult / DF.

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