The everyday in contemporary Brazilian photography is subject of seminar on ECO/UFRJ of 16 to 18 September


The everyday in contemporary brazilian photography
is subject of seminar on ECO/UFRJ of 16 to 18 September

"The everyday in Contemporary Brazilian Photography". Photo: Disclosure.
"The everyday in Contemporary Brazilian Photography". Photo: Disclosure.

In broad growth, the photography in Brazil stated not only as the production site of images, but as a fertile field for research and development thought. In this sense, universities, through studies and groups of researchers, have nurtured more and more interested in the subject with discussions and theoretical reflections that extrapolate the universe and academic dialogue with contemporary artistic production.

With this goal, will be held on 16, 17 and 18 September, from 18 at 8:0 pm, in the Auditorium of the CPM of the UFRJ School of communication (Praia Vermelha) the colloquium "the everyday in Contemporary Brazilian Photography". Coordinated by Professor Oak Victa, the event aims to discuss photographic proposals that address the everyday from a questioning of the conventional logic of functioning of the photographic device, whether through the spatialization of the works, the use of pinhole cameras, of different strategies of mounts, the fluidity of borders between the still images and moving images or subversion of the antagonism between reality and fiction.


Will be three tables of debate, a every day, (see programming) integrated by a teacher and a photographer or visual artist.

On 16, entitled "Experience", the Bureau shall be made up of the Victa Coordinator de Carvalho (ECO/UFRJ) and by Alexandre Sequeira. On 17, will be the time of professor Antonio Fatorelli (ECO/UFRJ) present along with Gustavo Pellizzon reflections and research from the thematic "Crossings". And on the day 18, last day of the event, professor of FAAP/SP, Ronaldo Entler, divides the table with the artist Leticia Ramos addressing issues related to processes and performances.

The theme

It's striking contemporary photography's investment in language and aesthetic renewal who bet in daily life like experience strategy and how sensitive reality to be worked in the artistic process.

The Gothic style, There are many photographic proposals that address the everyday from a questioning of the conventional logic of functioning of the photographic device, whether through the spatialization of the works, the use of pinhole cameras, of different strategies of mounts, the fluidity of borders between the still images and moving images or subversion of the antagonism between reality and fiction.

In General, are works that interpret the reality and daily life, a certain way of representing this everyday, in order to turn it. The results are uncertain images, from which, We are invited to an experience that meets its conditions of possibility in the tension between the usual, the recognizable and the possibility of new. The relationship between photography and daily life seems to be the keynote of these works that redefine conventional photographic devices as well as the roles historically associated with the observers and the images.

In Brazil, some of the images of Leticia Ramos, Alexandre Sequeira, Gustavo Pellizzon, among others, can be seen from some of the main aspects of what would be an aesthetic experience of everyday life in contemporary photography. The images presented by these artists are as privileged places to think about the relationship between photography and daily life in contemporary times, as well as the inserts of contemporary photography in the field of the arts.

We propose thinking then how the images of everyday life put us face to face with our current aesthetic scheme and the possibilities of experience it entered? If modernity marks the taste for everyday reality and the banal, What's at stake today when we noticed a renewed interest by the images of daily life in the field of the arts? How daily life can produce an experience in the field of arts that differs from a drive on the life? That changes came with the field of photography and of aesthetic experience when daily life becomes the place of experience? The everyday becomes the key element through which it is possible to review the role of photography in the news.



(Tuesday) -18h/8:00 pm

Table 01: Experience – 18h30h

Alexandre Sequeira and Victa de Carvalho (UFRJ)


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(Wednesday) -18h/8:00 pm

Table 02: – Crossings – 18h30h

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Gustavo Pellizzon and Antonio Fatorelli (UFRJ)



(Thursday) -6:00 pm/8:00 pm

Table 03: Processes and Performances-6:30 pm

Leticia Ramos and Ronaldo Entler (FAAP)


"The everyday in Contemporary Brazilian Photography"
Date: 16, 17 and 18 September
Time: 18 at 8:0 pm

Local: CPM Auditorium/ECO-UFRJ


CPM (Multimedia Production Center) -ECO-UFRJ

Av. Pasteur, 250 -funds

Red Beach-Rio de Janeiro / RJ

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