At the Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasília, exhibition of The Storytelling Carpets


The Cultural Box Brasilia features The Storytelling Carpets in commemorative action to celebrate the International Portuguese Language Day (5 de Mayo), and the National Language Day (21 de Mayo)

The Carpets storytellers celebrate 24 years in a free exhibition filled with stories and children's literature from around the world

From 7 to 22 de Mayo, the Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasilia will be the stage for 20 storytelling sessions supported by embroidered rugs, rag dolls, illustrations and books

in this month of may, to Cultural BOX Brasilia honors its greatest partner in the appreciation of an ancient craft: The Storytelling Carpets and his peculiar art of storytelling. Will be 12 sessions for the general public, on Saturdays and Sundays, and eight sessions for schools, from Tuesday to Friday, between days 07 and 22 de Mayo. on each day, different stories will be presented bringing traditional tales from various parts of the world, as well as children's literature worldwide.


The project takes place in Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasilia, with totally free entry, by prior booking on the website Wearing a mask is optional.

With a program aimed at the whole family, especially the children's audience, the group will present a shows from your entire repertoire of stories, materialized in a collection of 120 textile works like rugs, mockups, panels, bags, aprons, book illustrations, embroidery, books and rag dolls that serve as settings for traditional narratives from around the world, as well as short stories by renowned national authors such as Ana Maria Machado, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Graciliano Ramos, Ricardo Azevedo, among other.

About The Storytelling Carpets

formed there 24 years, The Storytelling Carpets are pioneers in Brazil, when it comes to the production of textile backdrops for oral narratives. Innovated the art of storytelling, from the moment they sewed and introduced fabric backdrops for storytelling. The group transformed the art of storytelling, from the moment he merged orality, children's literature and visual arts. for more than two decades, develop a unique artistic narration language, becoming a reference in research on the intersections between text and textile, and dialogues between literature and crafts.

Composed of Warley Goulart, Cadu Cinelli and Rosana Reatégui, the group is also a pioneer in holding interactive exhibitions for children in art galleries. It was the first collective of storytellers to occupy and exhibit works of visual arts in art galleries in the country., and is what most represents Brazil abroad. Were 14 countries visited, with narrations in English, french and spanish.

The Counter Carpets have already performed 67 interactive exhibitions of its collection by Caixas Culturais throughout the country, investing in art and culture for about 2 million people, with 30 thousand presentations, reaching an estimate of 200 thousand children from public schools in Brazil.

The group has also carried out approx. 250 storytelling workshops, contributing to the formation of 40 thousand education professionals, Art, Psychology, Geography, Tourism and Sociology. already won the Zilka Sallaberry Award from Best Show but Shtim Shlim e o Baobab Award, the most important national award for the strengtheners of narrative art.

During a pandemic, the group reinvented itself and participated in more than 300 lives online, broadcast inside and outside Brazil, founded the project “Each one in his Square”, awarded by the Art as I Breathe Notice, from Itaú Cultural SP, and integrated the first and second editions of the Arte da Palavra project, from Sesc Nacional.


Shows The Storytelling Carpets 24 years

Local: Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasilia
Season: from 07 to 22 May 2022

Entrance: Free

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Scheduling: through the site

Stocking: 40 places per presentation

Days and times:

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sessions for schools:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, às 10h

Wednesdays and Fridays, at 3:0 pm

Sessions open to spontaneous audiences:

Saturdays and Sundays, at 10 am and 5 pm

The Storytelling Carpets on the networks:


Instagram: @tapetescontadores

Youtube: mats counters

Facebook: mats counters

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