Holiday is coming more excited of the year: the Children's day! To celebrate the period, the Sesc Pinheiros offers a number of special activities are not limited only to the date and extend throughout the month. One of the several attractions, the Rtiii Group presents the show Mirabolâncias, in 12/10, and shows that grew to conquer space of the Teatro Paulo Autran, with more than a thousand places.
Two international activities contribute in Brazil for the first time: the interactive performance Al Cubo, days 10 and 11/10, that enables the public to play, dance and Scribble simultaneously, in a big transparent cube, a work based on the relationship between body and language; and the workshop Segni Mossi , day 12/10, a laboratory of sensory experiences to bambinos from 6 years. Both works are Italians Simona Lobefaro and Alessandro Lumare.
But already from the day 3 October has fun for all tastes. There are workshops, shows, story narration in pounds and up Trade fair of Toys, day 11/10, project that promotes both the socialization of children as the sustainability.
Children's programming October – Sesc Pinheiros
In this show, the musicians Stephen Maina (drums and voice), Marina Pittier (voice) and did Stok (guitar and voice) interpret the traditional Brazilian repertoire, accompanied by a brass section – saxophone, trombone and trumpet-, for a bassist and a percussionist. Interactions with the audience also develop through musical games like “The tomato and the persimmon” and “Bread, bread, bread” Accompany the Trii musicians Group: Meno Del Picchia (low), Thiago Martins (percussion), Philip Nader (saxophone), Maycon Mosque (trumpet) and Fernando Mumu (trombone).
Date: 12/10. Second (holiday), at 4:00 pm
Local: Teatro Paulo Autran (1.010 places)
Duration: 60 minutes
Rating: Free
Tickets: R$ 30,00 (One piece). R$ 15,00 (Half: student, public school server, +60 years, retirees and people with disabilities). R$ 9,00 (Full Credential: worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and enrolled dependents). For children up 12 years – free, with withdrawal of admission. Tickets on sale at the box office of the SescSP from 7/10, at 5:30 pm.

Free-AL Cube And SEGNI MOSSI (Italy)
A girl dancing in a transparent cube. Then, a boy draws its contours. The curious action of Al Cubo It is an invitation to the kids playing with the artists, inside and outside the structure. The activity, unprecedented in Brazil, will be presented by the Ballerina Simona Lobefaro and the artist Alessandro Lumare. The couple's goal is to allow the child to discover the pleasure of leaving a trace own, through the body and drawing.
Al Cubo, interactive performance for children and their adults, occurs within a metal frame, 2 m ², with two faces in polycarbonate. Live music entertainment packs held in two shifts. 20 minutes each, in each of the two days.
Another aspect that the couple is the workshop Segni Mossi, a laboratory of sensory experiences in dance-design. A project that freed the banks of notebook, the need to write sitting or standing still while you write. How about doodling while you balance in the tissue? The work refers to the performance art, to action panting, the traditional Japanese art, informal or analog graphic productions. With Simona Lobefaro and Alessandro Lumare, for children from 6 years. Watch a video about this job HERE.
Interactive performance: Al Cubo – interactive performance for children and adults (ITA)
Date: 10 and 11/10. Saturday and Sunday, at 4:00 pm
Local: Square
Duration: two entries per day, with 20 minutes each
Rating: Free

Workshop: Segni Mossi (ITA)
Date: 12/10. Second (holiday), to 12:00 and to 3:00 pm
Local: Workshop room (2th floor)
Duration: 120 minutes each session
Rating: Free
Trade fair of Toys
Trade fairs enable interaction and socialization among children, fun. More than trade toys that don't matter any more as before, the experience is enriching for giving new meanings to old objects and assert that relations need not be based on purchase. During the trading period, Games will be held between participants. For adults it is important to guide the children to take the toys clean and in good condition.
Date: 11/10. Sunday, 14h to 6:00 pm
Local: Living room (floor)
Rating: Free

Children and parents experience together the possibilities of graphical world by means of a "cartazine" – a mix of letter and fanzine – to be exchanged between the participants. The activity is part of the Grafique!, program that brings together several technical experiments printed. Actions allow you to reflect and understand, by make, the typography, screen printing, woodcut and mobile spaces publications. Julia Bortoloto.
Date: 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31/10. Saturdays, às 14h
Local: Workshop room (2º andar)
Duration: 90 minutes
Rating: Free
Free. Withdrawal of tickets with 1:00 in advance.
Popular jokes, artistic and sports activities, games and workshops: This is the proposal of the project Faces and crowns who, in the month of children, brings the Family Circuit, activities for adults and children that promote the development of motor skills and integration.
General Gymnastics. 3 and 4/10. Saturday and Sunday, 16h.
Yoga. 10/10. Saturday, 15h.
Circular Dance. 10/10. Saturday, 16h.
Capoeira. 10/10. Saturday, 17h.
Racing. 11/10. Sunday, 15h.
Heels. 11/10. Sunday,16h.
Pitches. 11/10. Sunday, 17h.
Judo. 12/10. Second (holiday), 15h.
Taekwondo. 12/10. Second (holiday), 16h.
Karate. 12/10. Second (holiday), 17h.
Playing with ropes. 17 and 18/10. Saturday and Sunday, 16h.
Local: Gym Topaz (5º andar)
Duration: 60 minutes
Rating: Free
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Storytelling narrated in Portuguese and Pounds at the same time. The audience is invited to help unravel a secret guarded by a magic mirror that belongs to a beautiful Princess. With the educators Mirela Estelles and Amarilis Straight.
Date: 10/10. Saturday, 13h
Local: Workshop room (3º andar)
Duration: 60 minutes
Rating: Free.
Disappear well is an art. Hide is a gift. Miss Joanna knows that. Today she is spending the day at Grandma's that, mysteriously, disappeared. Looking for, She finds family portraits, Discover stories, know relatives who already existed. But one thing she still needs to know: where, but where your grandmother hides? CLA. Story time. With Camila Cassis, Natalia Grisi, Luciano Carvalho. Marcelo Romagnolli Text. Directed by Jackie Obrigon. Musical direction and composition of the Soundtrack: Dr. Morris.
Dates: 4, 11 and 18/10. Sundays, at 3:00 pm and at 5:00 pm; 12/10. Second (holiday), at 3:00 pm and at 5:00 pm
Local: Auditorium (3º andar) – 98 places
Duration: 55 minutes
Rating: Free.
Tickets: R$ 17,00 (entire). R$ 8,50 (half). R$ 5,00 (full credential). For children up 12 years: free, with withdrawal of admission. Tickets on sale at the box office of the SescSP
The story of Boo-boo, who, right to be terribly sick, submit to the care and disobedience of Doctor Ganâncius. Boo-Boo decides to marry his daughter Angelica with the nephew of Ganâncius, the "almost doctor" Tapadus, Despite the beautiful young woman was in love with Beloved. With the help of the debauched and insightful created Giselda, Angelica and Loved will use fantasy to try and cure their imaginary diseases Boo-boo and convince him to leave Angelica to marry her true love. CLA. Jundiaí Theatre. Text and direction of Angelo Barry.
Dates: 3, 4, 24 and 25/10, Saturdays and Sundays, 16h
Local: Square
Duration: 60 minutes
Rating: Free.

Free -NESTS-Performance for large small
Nests does not follow a narrative or uses speaks. The move of the six dancers remember the relation of animals and humans. Geared for children, to performance proposes cozy scenes, affection and care, evoking the development of birds, the nest of eggs to the departure for the solo flight. You can also identify the crawl of snake, the fish dip, the crawling of babies ... the dancers involve the audience in the shenanigans tenders, in dialogue with the space in which they are. With Balangandança Cla. of Dance. Direction of Georgia Lengos.
Date: 3 to 25/10. Saturdays and Sundays, 12h; day 12/10. Second (holiday), 12h
Local: Square
Duration: 45 minutes
Rating: Free.

Free-Music-experience with Loop B
Known for his work with electronic music, Loop B presents musical creations from everyday noise. It's a ' Shop-Interactive Experience of Sound Perception ', with scrap instruments and objects, like toy swords, x-ray plates and computer keyboards, among others. The activity is for children and adults.
Date: 4 to 25/10. Sundays, 13h. Day 12/10. Second (holiday), 13h.
Local: Multiple Use Room (3º andar)
Duration: 90 minutes
Rating: Free.

SESC PINHEIROS : Paes Leme Street, 195, Pine trees, São Paulo, SP
Check on map:
[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]
Box office: Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 9:00 pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 to 6:00 pm. Tel.: 11 3095-9400.
Valet parking: Tuesday to Friday, from 7:00 to 10:00 pm; Saturday, Sunday, holiday, from 10h to 19h. Rates / vehicles and motorcycles: Enrolled at Sesc: R$ 6,00 in the first three hours and $ 1,00 every additional hour. Not enrolled in Sesc: R$ 8,00 in the first three hours and $ 2.00 for each additional hour. For activities at Teatro Paulo Autran, single price: R$ 6,00.
Month of children, Sesc Pinheiros
Holiday is coming more excited of the year: the children's day! To celebrate the period, Sesc Pinheiros offers a…
Holiday is coming more excited of the year: the children's day! To celebrate the period, Sesc Pinheiros offers a…
RT @ Obrasdartes: Holiday is coming more excited of the year: the children's day! To celebrate the period, Sesc Pinheiros offers a… http://…