“In Independence Holiday, It was burned the building where was signed the independence of Brazil” says philosopher


Day 7 on Sep, Friday, will be the holiday of Independence, whose history has been lost, burned in the sad tragedy that not only shocked the country, but as well as the shamed before the world. The the National Historic Museum Fire it was passed, not only in Brazil, but everyone.

razed, an archeology fan, history and time, the Luso-Brazilian philosopher Fabiano de Abreu said that Friday will be in mourning.

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“Holiday independence, that the day after tomorrow, many look forward to rest and give that break the routine, It is no longer a holiday of independence but the 'Mourning Independence', They burned the building where was signed the independence of Brazil.”

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The philosopher who yesterday participated in a debate in the international RTP for all Portuguese speaking countries, He made sure to remember the special loss to the Portuguese colony in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

“Yesterday speaking at the RTP made sure to express the feeling of us, Portuguese, we live in Brazil and the significant loss of a piece of Portugal who was there.”

Fabiano de Abreu em debate na RTP internacional. Foto: MF Press Global.
Abreu Fabiano in the international debate RTP. Photo: MF Global Press.

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