Nadia Aguilera exposes the Cultural Post Niterói


The show "Just as those who seek" opens in 20 July, Leah Rio curatorial.

From collages printed on canvas, artist reflects on life in large urban centers, between oppression and the expectation.

Nadia Aguilera exposes from the day 20 July, the Cultural Post Niterói. In the show "Just as those who seek" the artist gathers around 25 collages, based on photo. On printed canvas support, Aguilera's works refer to life in big cities, with its tangle of wires and skyscrapers, where something is about to happen. The exhibition is on until 22 September, Leah curation of Rio and free admission.


From the crop photographs pinched books, magazines or old newspapers, Nadia Aguilera creates unusual urban landscapes, mounted in a fragile and strange balance. His collages recreate urban chaotic environments, in an atmosphere of oppression and expectations. In a game of 'reinterpreted', her work of deconstruction of something that was already performing for granted, can turn into something else now and also the next moment. "By sticking want to show what can occur in the immediate moment. My approach is that earlier thriller the next move ", tells the artist.

According to Lia River, Nadia Aguilera uses a mixed technique in which the design, painting and gluing refer to a time in suspension, as the experience of a dream or memory. "Objects and images appear in the midst of urban architectures idealized, while characters, for not what relate specifically, become part of moments in which something always seems to be about to happen. Decoupling the situations created gives rise to unfulfilled expectations ", says curator.


Born in Niterói, in Rio de Janeiro, Nadia began in visual art through painting on canvas. Degree in biological sciences and business administration, developing his career as a teacher. In 2004, parallel to his professional activity, He went on to attend courses in drawing and painting, having as guiding Lia River (OKO Gallery Contemporary Art, RJ), Luiz Ernesto Moraes (School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, RJ), Augusto Souza Rodrigues (Souza Rodrigues Atelier, RJ), Katie Van Scherpenberg (Atelier, RJ) e Araken Hipólito. From 2015, participated in group at the Cultural Center Light (RJ), Solar Art Gallery in (RJ), Gallery Eye on (RJ) and the Post Gallery (Santa Teresa / RJ). He held his first solo show in Cultural Post Niterói.

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visual art exhibition
Artist: Nadia Aguilera
Title: "Just as those who seek"
Curator: Lia River
Opening: 20 th July 2019, Saturday, at 3:0 pm
Exhibition period: 22 from July to 22 September 2019
Visitation: Monday to Saturday, from 11:00 to 6:00 pm (except holidays)
Local: Cultural Post Niterói
Address: Av. Visconde do Rio Branco, 481- Center (opposite the station of the boats) - Niterói
Free entry
Tel.: 21 2503-8550 / 8560

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