Children's musical highlights Brazilian popular culture

Group Tupi Pererê. Photo: Disclosure.
Group Tupi Pererê. Photo: Disclosure.

Children's musical highlights Brazilian popular culture

The Pererê Tupi group presents on Sunday (23), at 4:00 pm, the Teatro Paiol, his new show "Viva Brazil". The musical is a tribute to the rich Brazilian popular culture. The four members will make a trip to the "nooks" Brazilian, where the stories keep up, customs and folk songs.

To mount the show, the group made a long search, with the help of teachers and art educators who took care of every detail, every word and history to be preserved Brazilian identity. It is a very musical and theatrical journey, both elements which support the language group, which features the work of Guga Cidral, Raquel Stapassoli, Daniel Arenhart and Rodrigo Fonseca.


Part of the presentation box office will go to the School Mercedes Stresser, educational entity that holds more than 300 young people with disabilities.

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Musical "Viva Brazil", with the Tupi Pererê group
Local: Paiol Theater-Guido Viaro Square, s/nº – Prado Velho
Date and time: 23 August 2015 (Sunday), at 4:00 pm

Tickets: R$ 20 e R$ 10 (half price)

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