4 Museums in the Amazon that tell about art and culture in the midst of the forest


Institutions help preserve one of the richest regions of Brazil and the world

The Amazon is seen as the great lung in the world.

Whether by history or biodiversity, Much of it is located in Brazil. Nature, beauty, and very important in the history of Brazil and originating people, presents a strong cultural heritage and a living collection.


As a form of conservation, museums and spaces that help preserve these memories arise.

There are places with sculptures, Photos, historical data, Amazon Books, replicas of animals and plants, stories and collections of peoples originating from the region, because there is a lot to be approached thinking about the Amazon and the Amazon universe.

These museums are really very important to understand the socioeconomic and cultural impact that the Amazon brings - not thinking only of Brazil, but also at the international level.

Amazonian art manifests itself in various forms, since indigenous crafts even contemporary expressions.

In these spaces, environmental issues and focused on nature and preservation.


Located in Manaus, o Moses (Amazon Museum) It is an outdoor museum.

He occupies, in all, An area of ​​one hundred hectares of the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, of the National Institute of Research of the Amazon.

In other words, The muse is an area of ​​native forest, who puts those who visit him directly with the forest and part of the biodiversity that she is able to offer.

This space is also a research center, that has been being studied for more than 60 years and a lot of help in terms of environmental preservation, besides meeting the guidelines associated with the protection of animals.


The Serngal Museum is located in Vila do Paraíso, also in Manaus. For many, It is seen as one of the most sought after destinations, As some travel tips sites point out.

To arrive, It is necessary to make a river displacement, Via Barco, What makes the experience even more immersive.

Inaugurated in 2002, The space leads visitors to learn about the importance of rubber trees and the rubber cycle, that was so important in the history of Brazil for many years.

There, Visitors understand how latex extraction and striking differences between the living conditions of rubber tappers and large owners.

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Rio Negro Palace

Located at the Manaus Cultural Center, The Rio Negro Palace is the official headquarters of the government of the state capital.

Today, The space also acts as a cultural place that adds a series of exhibitions, even international, that represent the Amazonian.

To access the programming, Just be aware of what the space discloses.

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In addition, The Rio Negro Palace also receives book launches, Songs and even plays.

Amazonian Peoples Cultural Center

Inaugurated in 21 May 2007, The Cultural Center of the Amazonian Peoples (CCPA) adds not only a collection about the Brazilian Amazon, but also from other countries that the forest embraces, Like Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and other spaces in South America.

The Cultural Center of the Amazonian Peoples receives both fixed exhibitions and exhibitions that are temporary.

Among the main topics covered, They are indigenous traditions, cultural manifestations and influence of different ethnic groups, that were essential when talking about the construction of the regional and cultural identity that is embraced by the forest.

In addition, CCPA is a space that offers another type of activity, as events, Workshops and Interactive Activities, who seek to promote, in fact, a cultural immersion to the original peoples who helped build the history of the region.

Importance of museums and access

Giving due importance to Amazonian museums is a way of investing and valuing the history of such an important region.

In planning a trip to Amazonas, for example, It is essential that these places are placed in scripts, precisely to promote all the experience and immersion that spaces like these can bring.

To explore a good script, There are options for airline tickets both for the Amazon itself and for the neighboring regions.

These museums are important not only thinking about the tourist and economic side of the region, but also as a form of collection.

Through these spaces, past relics and narratives are kept, All on one of the most important biomes.

In addition, Messages about nature, biodiversity and preservation begin to be passed from generation to generation.

4 Museums in the Amazon that tell about art and culture in the midst of the forest. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.
4 Museums in the Amazon that tell about art and culture in the midst of the forest. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Text prepared by the Conversion team.

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