Museum of engraving opens new exhibits


The Museum of Engraving City of Curitiba inaugurated on Tuesday (5) exhibit honoring two renowned Brazilian recorders, Paul Lie (1927-2011) and Anna Letycia (1928-2018). The exhibition will remain in poster 5 of February to 17 March.

The exhibition "Prints of Paul Lie" brings together works of various techniques and different stages of the artist's career. Lie was born in São Paulo and was in that city that developed as an observer of the world, critical, writer and artist. He lived in São Caetano (SP), Cornelius (PR) and 1980 It was to Londrina (PR), where he remained until the end of his life.

In its path, Paul Lie participated in several national exhibitions alongside exponents of Brazilian art to, as Amaral Tarsila, Volpi and Tomie Otake. Won major awards, as Itamaray the X Bienal de São Paulo, and also participated in international exhibitions: Collective of Brazilian Art - Huntsville Art League and Museum Association - Alabama -USA, Collective of Brazilian Art - California - USA, Prêmio Internazionalle Biella For The Incizione - Biella - Itália, II Trienale Internazionalle Xilogravura Of Contemporary - Carpi - Itália, L'Internazionalle Graphic - Lugano - Switzerland, Exhibition in Tel Aviv, Israel, Brazilian recorders, organized by the Foreign Ministry.


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collection - With works from the museum's own collection, It will also open the exhibition "Homage to label Anna Letycia". The artist was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. He began his studies in the late 1950, attended several courses with prints as André Lhote teachers (1885-1962), Darel (1924), the National School of Fine Arts (Enba), and Iberê Camargo (1914-1994), in the Municipal Institute of fine arts. Made woodcut course with Oswaldo Goeldi (1895-1961), Little School of Art in Brazil, and painting with Ivan Serpa (1923-1973), who participated in the creation of the Front Group.

Anna Letycia was one of the participants, in 1978, First Workshop of Engraving, organized by Ennio Marques Ferreira in Curitiba Creativity Center. In this seminar he was born the idea of ​​the first Engraving Museum Brazil. Just over a decade later, through Decree No. 647/1991, City Hall has created the Museum of Engraving City of Curitiba.

Exhibition "Prints of Paul Lie" and "Homage to label Anna Letycia"
Local: Museum of Engraving City of Curitiba - R. Carlos Cavalcanti, 533.
Date and times: from 5 of February to 17 March 2019. From Tuesday to Friday, the 9:0 to 12:0 and 1:0 pm to 6:0 pm. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 12:00 to 6:00 pm.
Entrance: free

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