Understand everything about global recognition and the reasons why the museum received the honor
In a celebration of Bahia's rich musical heritage and culture, the City of Music Museum of Bahia, located in Salvador, was awarded the international award Music Cities Awards, in the category of best musical tourism initiative (in english, Best Music Tourism Initiative).
The honor was achieved as a form of recognition of musical heritage and its highlights in the economic sphere, cultural and social. The award ceremony was held in 18 th November of 2023, em Huntsville, Not Alabama, in the United States. The museum was also described as a “space for immersion in the rich history and musical production of Salvador”. The award highlights not only the excellence of the museum, but it also puts Bahia on the global map as an unmissable music destination.
The registration of the City of Music of Bahia was carried out by the International Cooperation Office (ECI), integrated into the Vice Mayor's Office (GABVP), in dialogue with the Cultural Economy Coordination of the Municipal Department of Culture and Tourism (Secult). The cultural equipment competed with the Australian multimedia project “Beyond Bourke Street: Melbourne Buskers in the Digital World” and with the “Festival Pirineos Sur”, in Spain.
Understand more about the international award received and the reasons behind the Bahia City of Music Museum be recognized worldwide. Follow the reading!
Importance of the Music Cities Awards
The tribute reaffirms the cultural equipment's commitment to encouraging the artistic ability of sound and mobilizing various social entities for issues such as tourism, health, well-being, education, sustainability and innovation. The City of Music of Bahia also stands out for its research and preservation of the intangible heritage formed by music.
In an interview with the Salvador Communication Secretariat portal, the then mayor Bruno Reis reinforced that the award is the legitimization of the efforts made in recent years by municipal management and applied in areas of culture and tourism, with the aim of consolidating the capital of Bahia in the national and international context.
He further highlighted: “It’s a way of valuing one of our main characteristics, what is music, and the people who are part of this scenario. Not for nothing, We have the title of City of Music by UNESCO”.
About the Bahia City of Music Museum
City of Music was opened in 2021 in Salvador. Representing the Bahian cultural scene, the museum has already received visits from great singers, like Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil.
The museum is located in Casarão dos Azulejos Azuis, an area completely restored with an investment of R$ 19,2 million, that occupies 2 thousand m² of built area and a collection curated by anthropologist Antônio Risério and visual projection by architect Gringo Cardia. The place has more than 700 hours of recorded content and includes rhythms such as axé, Samba, arrocha, pagoda, MPB, Rock, rap, sertanejo, trap, funk and many others.
It is divided into four floors, with the ground floor responsible for welcoming visitors with a beautiful entrance hall, box office, living room, Library, coffee, among other establishments. The other floors are curated by anthropologist Antonio Risério and architect Gringo Cardia.
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The first floor depicts city neighborhoods and their music, interactive stories and testimonials, counting on a huge model, three projection screens, consultation stations and studio for recording statements. The second floor, on the other hand, works on the theme Tropicália and brings the exhibition History of Music in Bahia, having nine video booths and three rooms: A Magic from Orchestra, The New Music of the City and Who Makes the Music of Bahia.
The third floor houses educational entertainment with a studio and mixing booth. Visitors can have fun at the karaoke bar, You can even choose a background for the video that will be recorded and delivered edited as a clip at the end to post on social media. The video station stores all recorded videos, and you can consult them later.
The museum has already received more than 200 thousand visitors from Brazil and the world. Only in 2023 were 60 thousand visits. The daily capacity of the site is 400 visitors, which are divided into groups of 80 people over five times a day, and each visit lasts an average of one and a half hours.
The cultural equipment is located in the capital of Bahia, so tourists who want to admire the collection will need to book their accommodation in a hotel in Salvador, buy tickets and go to the venue from 10am to 6pm. Remembering that tickets cost R$20, with half at R$10 for students, elderly over 60 years and residents in Salvador.

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